

While it is not our policy at Ladybird Pre-School Nursery to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the Nursery, we will agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being or when they are recovering from an illness.

In many cases, it is possible for children’s GP’s to prescribe medicine that can be taken at home in the morning and evening. As far as possible, administering medicines will only be done where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if not given at the Nursery. If a child has not had a medication before it is advised that the parent keeps the child at home for the first 48 hours to ensure there is no adverse effect as well as to give time for the medication to take effect.

These procedures are written in line with current guidance in the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ (2021); the Nursery Manager is responsible for ensuring all staff understand and follow these procedures.

The Key Person is responsible for the correct administration of medication to children for whom they are the Key Person. This includes ensuring that parent/carer consent forms have been completed, that medicines are stored correctly and that records are kept according to procedures. In the absence of the Key Person, the Manager or Lead Practitioner is responsible for the overseeing of administering medication.


  • Children taking prescribed medication must be well enough to attend the Nursery.
  • Only medication prescribed by a GP (or other medically qualified person) will be administered. It must be in-date and prescribed for the current condition.
  • Children’s prescribed medicines must be stored in their original containers, clearly labelled and inaccessible to the children.
  • Parents/Carers must give prior written permission for the administration of medication. The staff receiving the medication must ask the Parent/Carer to sign a consent form stating the following information. No medication may be given without these details being provided:
  • full name of child and date of birth;
  • name of medication;
  • who prescribed it;
  • dosage to be given in the Nursery;
  • time dose is to be administered;
  • how the medication should be stored and expiry date;
  • signature, printed name of Parent/Carer and date.

Child’s medication and permission form is received by the child’s Key Person, or in their absence the Manager or Lead Practitioner, who is then responsible for any administration required.

  • The administration must be recorded accurately each time it is given and signed by the staff member who administered it, and a witness. Parents/Carers sign the form to acknowledge the administration of a medicine.

Storage of medicines

  • All medication is stored safely in the kitchen on the shelf or, if required, kept in the refrigerator. They are kept in a lidded marked plastic box with a photo of the child and the child’s name clearly marked.
  • The child’s Key Person, or in their absence the Lead Practitioner, is responsible for ensuring medicine is handed back at the end of the day to the Parent/Carer.
  • For some conditions, medication may be kept in the Nursery. Yvonne May is responsible for checking that any medication held to administer, either on an as and when required basis or on a regular basis, is in date and returns any out-of-date medication back to the Parent/Carer.
  • If the administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training is provided for the relevant member of staff by a health professional.
  • Another member of staff must be present when medicine is administered and must co-sign the form.
  • No child may self-administer. Where children are capable of understanding when they need medication, for example with asthma, they should be encouraged to tell their Key Person what they need. However, this does not replace staff vigilance in knowing and responding when a child requires medication.

Children who have long term medical conditions and who may require on ongoing medication

  • A risk assessment is carried out for each child with long term medical conditions that require ongoing medication. This is the responsibility of the Yvonne May alongside the Key Person. Other medical or social care personnel may need to be involved in the risk assessment.
  • Parents/Carers will also contribute to a risk assessment by pointing out anything which they think may be a risk factor for their child.
  • For some medical conditions key staff will need to have training in a basic understanding of the condition as well as how the medication is to be administered correctly. The training needs for staff is part of the risk assessment.
  • The risk assessment includes vigorous activities and any other Nursery activity that may give cause for concern regarding an individual child’s health needs.
  • The risk assessment includes arrangements for taking medicines on outings and the child’s GP’s advice is sought, if necessary, where there are concerns.
  • Yvonne May is responsible for completing a health care plan.
  • A health care plan for the child is drawn up with the Parent/Carer; outlining the Key Person’s role and what information must be shared with other staff who care for the child.
  • The health care plan should include the measures to be taken in an emergency.
  • Parents/Carers receive a copy of the health care plan and each contributor, including the Parent/Carer, signs it.

Managing medicines on trips and outings

  • If children are going on outings, staff accompanying the children must where possible include the Key Person for the child with a risk assessment, or in their absence another member of staff who is fully informed about the child’s needs and/or medication.
  • Medication for a child is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled with the child’s name, name of the medication, inside the box is a copy of the consent form and a card to record when it has been given, with the details as given above.
  • On returning to the Nursery the card is stapled to the medicine consent form and the Parent/Carer signs it.

If a child on medication has to be taken to hospital, the child’s medication is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled with the child’s name, name of the medication. Inside the box is a copy of the consent form signed by the Parent/Carer.


Ladybird Pre School Nursery intend to use this policy to provide precautionary measures to minimise the risk of disease transmission in the setting during an epidemic or pandemic.

The aim of this policy is to assist with continual operation of the nursery whilst complying with and fulfilling the Government and leading bodies requirements with relation to the outbreak of an epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19.  This policy builds on our current policies and procedures for areas such as Safeguarding, Child Protection and Health and Safety, however new practices may emerge as the situation continues. Considerations may evolve and be built upon as the situation deepens and new precautionary measures and requirements have been introduced. We will continue to follow all our other policies as long as they do not conflict with this policy.  We will continue to be guided by the EYFS Statutory Framework and the legal requirements it contains.  Latest Government guidelines will influence and possibly amend this policy. A record of any changes or amendments will be recorded at the back of this policy.

Focus and areas of consideration.



  • Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period may attend the nursery.
  • Children’s temperature will need to be taken at home before arriving at the nursery and before being allowed to enter. If it is not possible for the child’s temperature to be taken at home then the child’s temperature will be taken on arrival by a member of staff. 
  • Any child who has been administered paracetamol on the day of attendance will not be permitted to attend  the nursery on that day, as paracetamol can mask a high temperature.  An alternative session will be offered if possible and at the manager’s discretion.
  • Children will be required to sanitise their hands before entering the nursery.

Social distancing and ‘Bubble’s’

  • Smaller amounts of children in the setting may be advised or preferable, this can be achieved by, but not limited to:
  1. A temporary cap on the number of children attending the setting
  2. Making alterations to children’s days or sessions.
  3. Prioritising children as outlined in Department of Education guidelines.
  4. Making alterations to the nursery opening days and hours.
  • To minimise contact, children will be arranged into small groups  (maximum of 10 children) known as ‘Bubble’s’
  • Children will only mix with the other children within their ‘Bubble’ while they are at nursery.
  • Children will have the same staff caring for them each day in their ‘Bubble’.
  • The use of communal internal and external space will be restricted as much as possible.

Wellbeing and Education

  • Children will eat their snack and lunch with the other children and staff in their ‘Bubble’.
  • Staff will support children in an age appropriate way to understand the steps they can take to help to keep themselves safe, including regular handwashing and using a tissue and discarding of it appropriately.
  • Staff to ensure they are aware of the children’s attachments and their need for emotional support at this time.
  • EYFS framework learning and development requirements will continue to be delivered across all 7 areas of learning.
  • Staff will continue to provide an inviting environment for the children encouraging curiosity, excitement and engagement, taking into consideration the latest government guidelines.



  • Only staff who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period may attend the nursery.
  • Staff will be required to have their temperature taken on arrival and before being allowed to enter the nursery.
  • Staff will be required to sanitise their hands before entering the nursery.

Social distancing,  ‘Bubbles’ and safety.

  • Staff will complete a risk assessment before opening the nursery to identify potential risks from the virus and to ensure measures are in place and implemented to minimise these risks.
  • Staff must adhere to social distancing when taking breaks.
  • To minimise contact staff will be arranged into small groups known as  ‘Bubbles’.
  • Staff will only mix with the other staff within their ‘Bubble’.
  • The use of communal internal and external space will be restricted as much as possible.
  • Staff will adhere to social distancing rules when speaking to all parents and to staff members from a different ‘Bubble’.
  • When social distancing is not possible or they are in close proximity inside of the building staff will wear a face mask.
  • Staff will wear regular PPE when providing intimate care i.e. nappy changing.
  • When dealing with a child with symptoms, staff will wear PPE including disposable gloves, a disposable apron, a fluid-resistant face mask and a face visor.
  • After dealing with a child displaying symptoms the staff member will continue to wear PPE and clean and disinfect the area following Public Health guidance.
  • PPE will be removed and disposed off following Public Health guidance.
  • The Nursery will follow government guidelines in the case of a child or staff member testing positive.


  • Staff will be supported by the nursery manager and their colleagues throughout the day.
  • Staff will be made aware of how to contact the Trustees for additional support.
  • Conversations will be held regularly between the manager and staff to discuss staff’s wellbeing and if appropriate a wellbeing questionnaire will be available for staff to complete.



  • Only parents/carers who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period can drop off/pick up their child from the nursery.
  • On arrival all parents/carers will be asked if themselves or any member of their household have symptoms, if they answer ‘yes’ they will not be allowed to leave their child or enter the nursery.
  • Drop off and collection will be limited to 1 adult per family at all times. Where possible this should be the same adult each day.

Social distancing

  • When parent/carers are waiting to drop off/pick up their child they must adhere to social distancing rules.
  • Parents/carers will be required to follow a one way system to enter and exit the nursery grounds.
  • Parents/carers will not be allowed to enter the nursery building at drop off/pick up.
  • Consideration will be given to allow parents/carers to enter the nursery for the purpose of settling their child, should their child arrive upset or distressed.
  • Parents are to adhere to social distancing rules both inside and outside of the building.


  • Parents/carers will receive clear communication regarding new requirements and rules implemented by Ladybird Pre School Nursery prior to their child attending and the measures being taken to ensure all risks have been minimalised for the safety of themselves and their children.
  • Parents/carers will receive clear guidance on the alternative and recommended ways to communicate with the staff.


  • During the nursery opening hours attendance to the nursery should be restricted to only staff and children as far as practically possible. 
  • Visitors will not be permitted to enter the nursery during the nursery opening hours unless in exceptional circumstances or to provide a vital service.
  • All visitors (except in exceptional circumstances or to provide a vital service) will be required to make an appointment outside of the nursery opening hours.
  • Any visitor permitted entry to the nursery will be required to wear a facemask (provided by the nursery) and will be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.


  • Wherever possible staff should avoid travelling to work by public transport.
  • If a staff member uses public transport they should follow the national guidelines when doing so.
  • Wherever possible parents/carers and children should avoid travelling to the nursery by public transport.
  • If parents/carers and children use public transport they should follow the national guidelines when doing so.

Hygiene and Health and Safety

       Handwashing/hand sanitiser

  • Anybody entering the nursery will be required to use hand sanitiser provided by the nursery.
  • All staff members will be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and warm water after using the toilet, changing a nappy, before and after handling food, before and after eating, blowing their nose, sneezing, coughing, administering first aid and before they leave the nursery.  Regular hand washing in addition to this as required.
  • All children will be required to, with adult support, wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and warm water after using the toilet, before and after eating, blowing their nose, sneezing, coughing and before they leave the nursery. Regular hand washing in addition as required.


  • An enhanced cleaning schedule will be implemented that will include furniture, resources and equipment, touch points, toilets and hand washing facilities  This enhanced cleaning schedule will take place periodically throughout the day and will follow Public Health England guidelines.
  • Thorough and correct cleaning of resources and setting following Public Health England guidelines will take place at the end of each day. Staff will be responsible for the cleaning of their own area of work.
  • Thorough and correct cleaning of resources and setting following Public Health England guidelines will take place after a suspected case.

Waste disposal

  • All waste from a suspected case must be disposed of and stored following Public Health England guidelines.


  • Staff will follow their normal practice when changing nappies or administering first aid.
  • Staff will wear a face mask when social distancing is not possible or when in close proximity to all parents or staff members from another ‘bubble’.
  • When dealing with an individual displaying symptoms staff will be required to wear disposable gloves, a disposable apron, a fluid retention face mask and a face visor.  PPE will be disposed of following Public Health England guidelines.


  • Resources that are difficult to clean will be removed.
  • Resources will be cleaned regularly following Public Health England guidelines
  • Resources that have been deemed by Public Health England to enhance the spread of the virus will removed.

Supplies and equipment

  • To ensure the nursery has an adequate supply of essential equipment a monitoring system will be implemented.
  • The nursery will not be able to operate without essential supplies required for ensuring infection control.


  • If the nursery has to temporary close during a lockdown period, where possible Health and Safety checks should be carried out weekly. These checks should include a visual check of both inside and outside of the building, temperature check of the building and measures to reduce the risk of legionnaires.
  • Prior to re-opening a full Health and Safety check will be conducted.

Risk Assessment

  • A full risk assessment will be conducted prior to opening the nursery during an epidemic or pandemic.

Guidance documents and legislation which have guided and influenced this policy.

Public Health England

Local Authority

Department of Education

EYFS Statutory Framework

This policy was adopted by the Ladybird Pre School Nursery Management Committee on


Review date ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signed on behalf of the Management Committee ………………………………………………………………………………

Name of signatory ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Role of signatory …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Action for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Updated 10 September 2020

5. Minimise contact between individuals where possible

Early years settings are no longer required to arrange children and staff in small, consistent groups so can return to normal group sizes.

Settings should still consider how they can minimise mixing within settings, for example where they use different rooms for different age groups, keeping those groups apart as much as possible. Minimising contact between groups can reduce the number of children and staff required to self-isolate in the event of children or staff testing positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Returning to normal group sizes is based on the fact that the overall risk to children from coronavirus (COVID-19) is low. It also recognises that early years settings are typically smaller than schools. Adopting the ‘system of controls’ set out here in a robust way will ensure there are proportionate safeguards for children as well as staff and reduce the chance of transmission.

Parents and carers should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should also be the same for staff.

Name ……………………..…..  Signed ………………..………………….. Date …….….

Name ……………………..…..  Signed ………………..………………….. Date …….….


?This week we used Christmas pasta shapes to make necklaces.

?We used puff pastry and sausages to make sausage rolls! We rolled out the pastry, wrapped the sausages and then added milk to seal the pastry.

?We took a visit to the park and collected some natural materials to take back to Ladybird. We used them to create natural pictures by sticking them to some paper.

?We had fun building towers with the wooden blocks and enjoyed knocking them down again!

?We also enjoyed making pictures using the paint, solving puzzles and exploring the dinosaur land.

?We look forward to seeing you all next week when Ladybird re-opens on Monday, and we start to welcome our new starters!


?This week at Ladybird…..

?We’ve reached the end of another great week at Ladybird!

?We’ve been busy carrying out Home Visits and have been welcoming new Ladybirds to Nursery throughout the week.

?Our new two year old space has been very well received by the children and has had a soothing and calming effect on our little ones.

?The children have enjoyed some wonderful play in our new undercover area kitchen. They’ve been dressing up as chefs and making some fabulous afternoon teas to share with each other.

?Our mud kitchen has had some items added to it, such as a microwave and kettle. These new additions have meant the children have been able to engage in some realistic games and role play.

?Water play is always popular at Ladybird. This week we’ve added corks and pipettes to bubbly water, looking at the corks floating and squirting water out of the pipettes.

?Our children have particularly enjoyed ‘junk modelling’ this week. We’ve had all sorts of creations from a funfair, dinosaurs and a caterpillar! The children told us which materials they wanted and let their creativity flow.

?Next week we are going to be looking at Emergency Services and also our ‘Garden Rules’ and keeping ourselves safe.

?Enjoy your weekend!