Health and Safety Policy


We aim to make children, parents/carers and staff aware of health and safety issues in order to minimise the hazards and risks and to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.

The safety of young children is of paramount importance. In order to ensure the safety of both children and staff members, the Nursery will ensure that:

  • The member of staff responsible for health, safety and hygiene is the Nursery Manager. She has undertaken health and safety training and regularly updates her knowledge and understanding.
  • Forms are available at each session for the reporting of any accident/incident.
  • Regular safety monitoring will include monthly checking of the accident and incident forms.
  • Children are made aware of health and safety issues through discussions, planned activities and routines.


  • We do not have animals or birds in the Nursery as pets.
  • Animals and birds visiting the Nursery are free from disease, safe to be with children and do not pose a health risk.
  • If animals or birds are brought in by visitors to show the children they are the responsibility of the owner. The owner carries out a risk assessment, detailing how the animal or bird is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed.

 Food Hygiene – (see also Food Hygiene Policy)

Cooking Activities

When children take part in cooking activities, they:

  • Are supervised at all times.
  • Are kept away from hot surfaces.
  • Do not have unsupervised access to electrical equipment.

Hygiene Arrangements – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic policy)

Staff help children with their personal hygiene. Good practices in preventing the spread of infection are observed. Hands are washed after using the toilet and children are helped in blowing their noses. The children are encouraged towards independence. When children make their own snack, the importance of cleanliness is emphasised.

Toilet Routine – (see also Nappy Changing Policy)

  • Children are taken to the toilet by a member of staff if they ask during the session.
  • All children are helped to wash their hands after they have used the toilet. This is to teach the child good hygiene practice.
  • If a child should have a toileting accident or need a nappy change, a member of staff will change the child wearing gloves. The wet clothes are placed in a bag and the nappies disposed of appropriately.  All changes are recorded in our daily care log and parents are informed about this change at collection time.
  • The changing area is thoroughly cleaned after each change.
  • The temperature of hot water is controlled to prevent scalds.


The children are supervised by staff at all times. Safety is of paramount importance. Safety checks of the premises both indoors and outdoors are made before each session. The internal door is locked during the session and a member of staff is at the door during the children’s arrival and departure at Nursery. We operate a password system if anyone unknown to the Nursery staff is collecting a child. The parents/carers decide on this password and record it on their child’s registration form.

  • All children are always supervised by staff members and will always be within sight and/or hearing of a staff member.
  • Children are always within sight and hearing of a member of staff when eating and drinking.
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to kitchen, cookers or any cupboards storing hazardous materials
  • Only staff members and volunteers who have an enhanced DBS disclosure have unsupervised access to children.
  • Whenever children are on the premises at least two staff members are present.


  • A register is completed on children’s arrival and is updated throughout the session, recording late arrivals and early leavers. A staff register is also kept. Visitors to the Nursery are required to sign in the visitor’s book and record their time of arrival and departure. If government guidelines require, Ladybird Pre-School Nursery has a QR code for visitors to scan.
  •  All staff members are aware of the system in operation for children’s arrivals and departures and a staff member will be at the door during these periods.
  • A register of both staff members and children is completed as people arrive so that a complete record of all those present is available in any emergency.

Illness – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic Policy and Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents Policy)

When a child becomes ill at the Nursery our policy is:

  • To send the child home to ensure the child has his/her needs met in the most appropriate setting and to protect other children and staff members from the risk of infection.
  •  A member of staff will make sure the child is as comfortable as possible in a quiet area, away from the other children.
  • The Office Administrator or in her absence the Nursery Manager will telephone the parents/carers first and if there is no answer the other emergency contact numbers will be tried. If there is still no answer, the child will be cared for by a member of staff until the end of the session.
  • Parents/carers will be advised to seek the advice of a medical practitioner. When the staff are concerned about a child’s condition deteriorating, emergency medical advice will be sought.
  • Parents/carers will be informed by a written health warning notice displayed on the entrance doors if there is any outbreak of infection such as scabies, worms, hand, foot and mouth or childhood infectious diseases which may affect other children or family.
  • The Health Protection Agency guidance on infection control exclusion periods will be followed.
  • Ofsted and HSE will be notified of any infectious diseases which are listed on the ‘notifiable’ list. 

Medication – (see also Administering Medicines Policy)

Parents/carers will administer prescribed medicines where possible. The Nursery Manager or the child’s key worker is responsible for administering medication at the Nursery. Prior consent must be completed and signed by the parents/carers and records must be kept to show name of medication, dosage, time the medication was last administered, time due to be administrated and person. Another member of staff should witness the procedure. All medication will be clearly labelled and its original packaging with the dispensary label attached and stored out of reach of the children on the high shelf in the kitchen or in the fridge if necessary.

First Aid (see also First Aid Policy)

Under the Health and Safety Regulations 1981 all workplaces must have first aid provisions. The Nursery Manager has a responsibility under these regulations for:

  • Providing a first aid box for employees.
  • Ensuring that each session has a qualified first aider to take charge in the events of an accident.
  • Ensuring all employees know where the Fire box is kept and the first aid boxes are located (wall mounted in the Main Room and in the Rising two room) and names of first aider/appointed person.
  • Arranging first aid training for all Nursery Practitioners.
  • Ensuring that first aid gloves are worn when dealing with open wounds, vomit etc.

All staff undertake pediatric first aid training.  A member of staff is appointed yearly to be responsible for checking the contents of the First Aid box.  First aid equipment is kept clean, checked for expiry dates, and replaced as necessary. All staff know where the accident forms are kept and how to complete them. These are reviewed monthly to identify any potential or actual hazards. Parents/carers are informed of any incidents and there are opportunities for parents/carers to discuss heath issues with the staff.

  • Frequent accidents involving the same child/ren or the same piece of equipment can also be a useful indication of the need to observe certain activities, check equipment etc.
  • In the event that an insurance claim might be made following an injury to a child or staff member, it would be advisable to draw a rough sketch of the place of the accident/incident.

It is essential to inform parents/carers of any injury to their child no matter how slight.

  • Correctly stocked first aid boxes are available at all times.

Emergency Procedures

In the case of a medical emergency involving anyone on the premises the following procedure would be put into place:

  • The most confident first aider present would take over the incident/injured party.
  • On rapidly assessing the situation it may be necessary to phone 999 for a paramedic/ambulance.
  • In addition a member of staff will phone the next of kin/parent/carer of the injured party.
  • If necessary a suitably qualified member of staff will accompany the injured party to hospital.
  • A full report will be written by the Nursery Manager or in her absence the Deputy Manager and made available to any person involved along with the next of kin/parent/carer and regulatory body such as Ofsted, RIDDOR.



A risk assessment of the potential hazards at the Nursery has been undertaken and is reviewed regularly. New pieces of equipment and activities are also ‘risk assessed’ and all our equipment is checked before it is used and regularly updated.

  • Equipment offered to children is developmentally appropriate, recognising that materials suitable for older children may pose a risk to younger/less mature children in the Nursery.
  • Large equipment is erected with care and checked regularly.
  • Activities such as cooking and energetic play receive close and constant supervision.
  • All equipment is regularly checked for cleanliness and safety. Any dangerous items are repaired or discarded.
  • The premises are checked at the beginning and end of the day.
  • Doors are fitted with finger guards to prevent children’s fingers from being trapped in them. Regular checks are made to ensure they have not split or are not damaged in any way.
  • Equipment is checked regularly and any dangerous items repaired or discarded.
  • The layout, space and ratios allow children and staff members to move safely and freely between activities.

Daily Risk Assessment

A list has been drawn up and printed for each day/week, showing areas that must be checked for risks and good provision.  It is the responsibility each day of the Nursery Manager or in her absence the Deputy Manager to check these areas, sign the sheet and report on anything amiss.

Insurance Cover

The Nursery has public liability insurance and employer’s liability insurance. The certificate is displayed on the wall in the office.

Electrical Equipment

  • Electrical equipment is to be visually checked and if damaged should not be used. Any damaged equipment should be labelled ‘defective –do not use’ and the Nursery Manager and/or Nursery Trustees Health and Safety representative informed in order that effective repairs can be carried out.
  • Heaters are checked daily to make sure they are not covered.
  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is carried out on a biannual basis.

Disposal of Waste – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic Policy)

Normal everyday waste is disposed into the general or recycling bin which is then put out for the refuse collection. In the case of body fluids such as blood products, faeces, etc. the waste is put into the disposal unit using rubber gloves ready for correct disposal.

  • Waste products are disposed of appropriately.


Cleaning – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic Policy)

General cleaning of the areas used by the Nursery is carried out firstly by the Nursery staff on a day to day basis and secondly by a local cleaning contractor every evening. Members of staff carry out deep cleaning and the cleaning of toys and equipment as necessary. The hard flooring is washed and deep cleaned by the cleaning contractor daily. If/when recommended the internal of the nursery building is ‘Fogged’ every 4 weeks.

Good Housekeeping

  • Notices are posted identifying prohibited practices such as No Smoking, Fire Exit etc. All resources and materials which children select are stored safely. All equipment and resources are stored or stacked safely to prevent them accidentally falling or collapsing. Our outdoor sandpit is covered when not in use.
  • There is no smoking allowed on the premises. It is also requested that people refrain from vaping on the premises. Ladybird Pre-School Nursery operates a strict no smoking policy within both the Nursery building and its outdoor areas.
  • All dangerous materials are stored out of reach of children.

Fire Procedure (see also Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy)

Fire drills are held every 1/2 term, on different days, and a record is kept of them. Heaters and electric points are adequately guarded. Fire extinguishers are checked monthly. Emergency lighting and smoke detectors are checked every six months by a competent contractor. Fire doors are never obstructed.

Members of staff are aware of the position of the firefighting equipment, familiar with their use and know the location of the fire exits and escape routes.

  • A daily rota of staff’s roles and responsibilities in the case of an emergency evacuation is completed each morning reflecting the staff working that day (am/pm).  Staff are made aware of their roles and responsibilities by the person who has completed the rota for that day and always before the nursery opens at 8am.
  • The alarm will sound.
  • The children will be directed to the nearest fire exit.
  • All belongings will be left behind.
  • Toilets and corridors will be checked by a member of staff. 
  • Everyone will leave the building and meet at the designated assembly point. Staff will ensure that the children are kept together at all times.
  • A register will be taken.
  • In the case of a real emergency, the Nursery is designated to assemble in the play park adjacent to the Nursery or the Lighthouse Church, Cromer Road, Sheringham where parents/carers will be informed to collect their children.
  • The building will not be re-entered until permission is given to do so.

Using the Outside Areas

In using the outside space at the Nursery we take into account the following procedures:

  • Ongoing: It is the responsibility of the Nursery Trustees to keep paths, fences and gates in good order, bearing in mind the requirements for use by young children.  It is the responsibility of the Nursery Manager to report any issues regarding the paths, fences and gates to the Nursery Trustees.
  • Children are given the opportunity to play outside in the fresh air.

Before daily use: The following items should be checked for safety and suitability of use:-

  • Gates and fences.
  • The grassed and planted areas (especially for animal remains and vermin).
  • The paths and steps.
  • The doors and gates.

Just before going out: All the gates and doors should be checked to make sure they are secure with the latches in place to prevent any child opening them.


Policy for Using the Garden – (see also Missing/Lost Child Policy)

  • At least one staff member should be outside before the children leave the building.
  • Child/staff member ratios are maintained during outside play.
  • Child/staff member ratios are also maintained inside when children are using both inside and out.
  • Children are taken to the toilet inside by a member of staff.
  • All visitors report to the Nursery office. 

Leaving the outside area:  A staff member will headcount the children as they re-enter the nursery and then make a sweep of the garden to ensure that all the children have gone inside prior to the doors being secured.

If a child goes missing on the premises staff will follow the procedure for a ‘Child going missing on the premises’ as detailed in the Missing/Lost Child Policy.

Outings (see also separate Outings Policy)

Safety of Staff members, Students, Volunteers and Other Adults

·         Adults are provided with guidance about safe storage, movement, lifting and erection of large pieces of equipment.

·         When adults need to reach up to store equipment or to change light bulbs they are provided with safe equipment to do so.

·         All warning signs are clear.

·         The sickness of staff and their involvement in accidents is recorded. These records are reviewed termly to identify any issues which need to be addressed.

  • Health and safety advice/training is given to each employee, volunteer and student on induction and updated when appropriate.
  • The personal hygiene of the staff is very high, and all staff observe and adhere to the current legislation regarding food hygiene.


In Conclusion

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and will be updated to incorporate any significant changes and/or introduction of systems of working not currently accounted for. Health and Safety issues can be raised at any time for consultation at future staff or Trustee meetings.

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