Category "News"


We are continuing to spend as much time outside as possible in the fresh air and when we are inside we are following Public Health England guidelines regarding airflow by opening the windows and doors throughout the nursery. Although we would never allow airflow to compromise the climate comfort of the children, the rooms however are not as warm as they would normally be. We request that your child arrives dressed to reflect a slightly lower in temperature building ie long sleeves, trousers, jumpers, tights. 

We understand the value of parent partnership and the importance of communication between yourself and your child’s key worker. We are able to offer you a telephone call or virtual meeting with your child’s key worker to discuss your child’s development progress. Please contact the office to arrange a meeting. 

Please remember to adhere to 2 metre social distancing when waiting to drop off or collect your child. We ask that you sanitise your hands before proceeding beyond our main green gate. We have also provided hand sanitiser at the exit for your use. 

We request that only one adult drops off and collects your child and when possible this is the same adult each day. This is to help reduce the amount of contacts passing through the nursery grounds. 

As announced by the Government on Saturday we will remain fully open during this next period of lockdown. We thank you for your continued support and patience throughout these difficult times. 


?This week we used Christmas pasta shapes to make necklaces.

?We used puff pastry and sausages to make sausage rolls! We rolled out the pastry, wrapped the sausages and then added milk to seal the pastry.

?We took a visit to the park and collected some natural materials to take back to Ladybird. We used them to create natural pictures by sticking them to some paper.

?We had fun building towers with the wooden blocks and enjoyed knocking them down again!

?We also enjoyed making pictures using the paint, solving puzzles and exploring the dinosaur land.

?We look forward to seeing you all next week when Ladybird re-opens on Monday, and we start to welcome our new starters!


?This week at Ladybird…..

?We’ve reached the end of another great week at Ladybird!

?We’ve been busy carrying out Home Visits and have been welcoming new Ladybirds to Nursery throughout the week.

?Our new two year old space has been very well received by the children and has had a soothing and calming effect on our little ones.

?The children have enjoyed some wonderful play in our new undercover area kitchen. They’ve been dressing up as chefs and making some fabulous afternoon teas to share with each other.

?Our mud kitchen has had some items added to it, such as a microwave and kettle. These new additions have meant the children have been able to engage in some realistic games and role play.

?Water play is always popular at Ladybird. This week we’ve added corks and pipettes to bubbly water, looking at the corks floating and squirting water out of the pipettes.

?Our children have particularly enjoyed ‘junk modelling’ this week. We’ve had all sorts of creations from a funfair, dinosaurs and a caterpillar! The children told us which materials they wanted and let their creativity flow.

?Next week we are going to be looking at Emergency Services and also our ‘Garden Rules’ and keeping ourselves safe.

?Enjoy your weekend!