

This policy is written to outline how Ladybird Pre School Nursery use their social media pages and the standard that must be followed at all times to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the children and staff.

All parent/carers are made aware of our social media pages and how we use them. All parents/carers are made aware that our social media pages are ‘open’ pages meaning that anyone on social media can view and interact with our page. All parents/carers are given the choice to consent or not consent to images of their child being included on our social media pages. All parents/carers are provided with a copy of this policy at the point of registration.

All social media pages must have at least two admins but preferably three.  Admins are responsible for ensuring that media shared meets the standards outlined below;

  • Children who feature on our pages are not named.
  • Staff who feature on our page are not named.
  • Only children who we have gained consent from parents/carers are included on our pages.
  • Only staff who have given their consent are included on our pages.
  • Children who we do not have consent to include on our pages never feature.
  • All media shared has been agreed by at least two admins.
  • Video’s are not shared to avoid any background conversations being made public.
  • Parents/carers are aware that they can change their consent at any time.
  • Any unwanted comments or interactions on the nursery social media pages will be dealt with swiftly and professionally.  Admin have the ability to remove such activity and block people from the page. It is the responsibility of all admins to monitor activity.
  • The Manager has the overall responsibility to ensure that our social media page does not breach this policy and to ensure the safety and confidentiality of all children and staff is paramount at all times on social media.


At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we understand that we have a statutory duty to ensure continuity for children during periods of transition.

Therefore, we believe that:

  • all  children and their families require support at points of transition; and
  • smooth transitions support children’s personal, social and emotional development, their learning and their future success.

We want all children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the Nursery and to feel comfortable and secure with staff. We also want parents/carers to have confidence in both their children’s well-being and in their role as active partners with the Nursery.

We aim to make the Nursery a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.


  • each child is provided with a Key Person before they start the Nursery;
  • the Key Person is responsible for helping the child become familiar with our Nursery and to feel confident and safe within it;
  • the Key Person develops a genuine bond with the child and family and offers a settled, close relationship; and
  • all staff members offer unconditional regard for the child and are non-judgemental.

Transition from Home into Ladybird Pre-School Nursery

We value the parent/carer as the first educator of their child.

  • Parents/carers are welcome to come and visit our Nursery in person at any time, or virtually if social guidelines do not permit face to face meetings.
  • Along with the ‘offer of a place letter’ an information pack is given to every family which includes ‘All About Ladybird’, Key Person information sheet, registration form, term dates, terms and conditions, privacy notice and an ‘All about me’  booklet for parents/carers to complete with their child.
  • The ‘All about me’ booklet along with the registration form and initial meetings  assists the Key Person in understanding the child’s needs, likes, dislikes, routines and development level. 
  • A date and time is agreed with the family for the Key Person and either the Manager or the buddy Key Person to make a home visit.  If social guidelines do not permit home visits to take place, parents/carers will be offered to meet with their child’s Key Person virtually. 
  • Settling in session dates and times will be arranged.
  • At the settling in visits the Key Person welcomes and looks after the child. In the absence of the Key Person this role is allocated to another member of staff.
  • If the child displays a stronger attachment to another member of staff then we will transfer him/her to that member of staff where possible, so they can then become their Key Person. Parents/carers will be informed of the change of Key Person.
  • The Key Person uses Tapestry to compile a Learning Journey for each child which supports the child’s interests, learning, development and progress through written observations and photographs. Parents/carers are encouraged to contribute and add information to the Learning Journey.
  • We use observation, assessment and professional judgement to support each child’s learning and development. All those involved with the child share this information.
  • Communication between Nursery and families is promoted through a variety of methods including Tapestry, social media, website, meetings, parents’/carer’s information boards, informal conversations, fund-raising events and outings. 
  • The Key Person takes responsibility for telling the parent/carer about events in the session that have been important to their child.

Children with Additional Needs

  • We collect information at point of entry about any other professionals who are involved with the child and family.
  • We seek written parent/carer permission to work with other professionals before entry to ensure the Nursery is ready to meet the child’s individual needs.  
  • We work with parents/carers as equal partners with, for example, Individual Educational Plans (IEP) and Early Help Assessment Plan (EHAP).
  • Professionals who support individual children, such as Speech and Language Therapists, are able to observe the child in the Nursery environment where the child may be more settled and confident.

Transition within the Nursery

  • Key Person to identify and have evidence that the child is ready to progress to the next stage within the Nursery.
  • Key Person to consult with parents/carers about their child being ready to progress to the next stage within the Nursery.
  • The child may be allocated a new Key Person and the parents/carers will be offered the opportunity to meet with their child’s new Key Person.
  • If there is a change of Key Person the the child’s previous Key Person and new Key Person will meet to share information regarding the child.
  • The child’s new Key Person will be available to meet and welcome the child and  parent/carer on their first day.
  • Transition will not take place during the first week of a new term or half term.

Transition between Nursery and Other Pre-School Settings

  • Parents/carers written permission is gained before information about their child’s needs, interests, any written reports or Learning Journey are shared with the new setting.
  • When a child joins the Nursery from another Pre School setting we will request that the previous Pre School setting completes and returns a ‘Child Protection Transfer Document’.

See Appendix One – Child Protection Transfer Document

  • The Key Person will talk with both the child and the parents/carers about the move to the new pre- school setting.
  • The Key Person from the new setting will be invited to visit the child in our Nursery prior to them moving if enough notice is given, it is geographically possible and social restrictions allow.

Transition from Nursery into School

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery aims to maintain good relationships, built on professional respect, with all local feeder schools.

  • Throughout the year information from Norfolk County Council and Independent schools is displayed regarding applying for a place in a reception class.   
  • Parents/carers written permission is gained before information about their child’s needs, interests and written reports are shared with the school.
  • Reception teachers and staff from feeder schools are invited to visit the child within our Nursery, if social guidelines permit, during the summer term prior to transition. 
  • The child’s Key Person will share with the Reception Teacher information about each individual child’s development and any individual needs.
  • We complete a copy of the Norfolk County Council Record Supporting Transition and Inclusion Record (STAIR) of Transfer from Nursery to School for each child in the half term prior to school entry. This is shared and completed with the child’s parents/carers and sent to school before the end of the summer term.
  • We have close links with Sheringham Primary School and other local schools and we are invited to take part in any pre-starting activities they arrange.
  • For children with identified additional needs a ‘transition meeting’ is organised. parents/carers, staff from the reception class and Key Persons are invited, along with any other relevant professionals in order to ensure the child’s needs can be met in school.

Appendix One – Child Protection Transfer Document



Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers, management committee members, trustees and students to share this commitment.

In this context it is vital that the Nursery applies recruitment and selection procedures that identify people who are unsuited to work with children. The measures described in this policy should be applied in relation to everyone who is involved with the care of children and those who regularly come into contact with children in a supporting or voluntary capacity.

“For those agencies whose job it is to protect children and vulnerable people, the harsh reality is that if a sufficiently devious person is determined to seek out opportunities to work their evil, no one can guarantee that they will be stopped. Our task is to make it as difficult as possible for them to succeed.” Bichard report, 2004, p12, para79


  1. To help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children, or are otherwise unsuited to working with them by having appropriate procedures for appointing staff.
  2. To operate such procedures consistently and thoroughly while obtaining, collating, analysing and evaluating information from and about applicants.
  3. To seek to secure an ongoing safe and secure environment for children by ensuring all staff are suitably trained in recognising and responding to signs of abuse and all students and volunteers are made aware of the signs and how to recognise these during the induction process.

Recruitment Procedures

The Norfolk County Council early years safer recruitment toolkit, and the guidelines set out in the ‘Safeguarding in early years and childcare guidance’ and NSCP Safer Recruitment Guidance will be followed by Ladybird Pre-School Nursery to enable the development of a robust and secure recruitment process.    

In order to ensure safer recruitment the Nursery will:

  1. Ensure that when a post is advertised the advertisement makes clear the Nursery’s commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, staff, students and volunteers.
  2. Ensure that the job description makes reference to the responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
  3. Ensure that the person specification includes specific reference to suitability to work with children.
  4. Require all applicants to complete an application form containing questions about their academic and employment history and their suitability for the role.  A Curriculum Vitae (CV) will not be accepted in place of a completed application form.
  5. Scrutinise the information from applicants and follow up any discrepancies or anomalies.
  6. Obtain a minimum of two independent references. Detailed references will be requested that answer specific questions to help assess an applicant’s suitability to work with children and any concerns will be followed up. At least two basic references will be obtained that confirm job title and dates employed.  
  7. Conduct a face to face panel interview (with at least one panel member who has completed safer recruitment training) to explore the candidate’s suitability to work with children as well as his/her suitability for the post.
  8. Include ‘Warner’ questions within the interview process (Norfolk safeguarding toolkit)
  9. Verify the successful candidate’s identity.
  10. Verify that the successful candidate has all the academic or vocational qualifications required for the position applied for and add a signature to application form to confirm verification.  
  11. Check his/her previous employment history and experience.
  12. Verify that he/she has the health and physical capacity for the post.
  13. Process the successful candidate’s DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) through the Nursery’s preferred agency. (Currently GBG Online Disclosures).
  14. Ensure all checks undertaken are recorded on a single central record and kept under review.
  15. Ensure a detailed induction process is carried out with new staff members, volunteers and students, which include familiarisation to the Nursery’s safeguarding policy, child protection procedures and safer working practices.


At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we follow the guidelines of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) for the reporting of accidents and incidents. Child protection matters or behavioural incidents between children are NOT regarded as incidents and there are separate procedures for this.


Our Accident and Incident Book:

  • is kept safely and accessibly;
  • is accessible to all staff and volunteers, who all know how to complete it; and
  • is reviewed monthly to identify any potential or actual hazards.

Reporting and Recording of Accidents and Incidents

The following accidents or incidents will be reported to Ofsted:

  • the death of an adult or child
  • anything that requires resuscitation
  • admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
  • a broken bone or fracture
  • dislocation of any major joint, such as the shoulder, knee, hip or elbow
  • any loss of consciousness
  • severe breathing difficulties, including asphyxia
  • anything leading to hypothermia or heat-induced illness
  • if a child suffers any loss of sight, whether it is temporary or permanent.
  • penetrating injury to the child’s eye
  • chemical or hot metal burn to the child’s eye
  • If a child in our care suffers any injury from, or requires medical treatment for, any of the following        situations from absorption of any substance:
    • by inhalation
    • by ingestion
    • through the skin
  • from an electric shock or electrical burn
  • where there is reason to believe it resulted from exposure to:
    • a harmful substance
    • a biological agent
    • a toxin
    • an infected material

We meet the legal requirements for the safety of our employees by complying with RIDDOR. Serious injuries have to be, by law reported to the HSE under ‘RIDDOR’.  These reports have to be made to the National Incident Contact Centre in Caerphilly – immediately in the case of fatality or serious injury, within 10 days for less severe incidents.

The following accidents or incidents will be reported to HSE:

  • Fatalities
  • Major injuries, such as limb fractures (but not fingers or toes), loss of eyesight, dislocation.
  • Anything requiring hospitalisation for more than 24 hours
  • More serious electrical injuries/incidents
  • Any accident where the person was injured and could not subsequently return to work or do their normal job for more than 7 days
  • Certain specified diseases/infections, including hepatitis, tetanus, occupational dermatitis.

Incident Contact Centre 0845 300 9923 or

Our Accident and Incident Book

We keep an Accident and Incident Book for recording accidents and incidents including those that are reportable to Ofsted and the Health and Safety Executive. We also record:

  • Break in, burglary, theft of personal or the settings property.
  • An intruder gaining unauthorised access to the premises.
  • Fire, flood, gas leak or electrical failure.
  • Attack on a member of staff, child or parent/carer on the premises or nearby.
  • Any racist incident involving staff or family members on the Nursery’s premises.
  • A terrorist attack or a threat of one.
  • In the Accident and Incident Book we record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done about it or if it was reported to the police and, if so, a crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, is also recorded.
  • In the unlikely event of a terrorist attack, we follow the advice of the emergency services with regard to evacuation, medical aid and contacting children’s families. Our standard Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy will be followed.  The incident is recorded when the threat is averted.
  • In the unlikely event of a child dying on the premises, the emergency services are called and the advice of these services are followed.
  • The Accident and Incident Book is not for recording issues of concern involving a child. Issues of concern are recorded following our Safeguarding Policy.

Minor Incidents

Minor incidents, such as biting, are recorded in the Accident and Incident Book, which is reviewed monthly to monitor any recurring incidents. Measures are taken to reduce them. If a child comes into the Nursery with a noted injury we record this on an ‘Injury on Entry Form’, the nursery manager is notified of the injury and the form is kept on file.

If an Accident Form is completed due to a minor injury caused by another child’s actions, then an Incident Form is also completed for the child who caused harm. 

Both Accident and Incident Forms require a parent/carer signature and will be shared with the parent/carer at collection time.

Depending on the severity of the injury/incident the nursery manager may make the decision to contact the parent/carer by telephone to inform them of the accident/incident before collection time.

One copy of the signed accident/incident Form is to be sent home with the parent/carer and one signed copy is be kept on file

Legal Framework

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021)

Further Guidance RIDDOR Guidance and Reporting Form:



At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we work in partnership with parents/carers and with local and national agencies to promote the well-being of all children.

Partnership with Parents/Carers

Please Note – when the term ‘parents/carers’ is used in this policy it includes all parents and carers of children in the Nursery. It incorporates all parents including working parents, parents who live apart from the child, step parents, same sex parents and foster parents.

We recognise and respect that parents/carers are their children’s first and main educators in their early years and can appreciate that they know more than anyone about their unique child. We aim to support parents/carers and involve them in their child’s early education and help them feel part of the Nursery.

In order for all staff to form relationships with parents/carers they:

  • Respect parents/carers individual views and opinions with regard to the care and welfare of their child.
  • Build close and trusting relationships with all parents/carers.
  • Recognise that parents/carers have very different priorities and expectations in respect of their child’s upbringing.
  • Respect families religious and cultural backgrounds and beliefs.
  • Welcome parents/carers sharing any anxieties, concerns or queries they may have at any time.
  • Are available at the beginning and end of the day for parents/carers to share information regarding their child.
  • When more sensitive issues need to be discussed a mutual time between the parent/carer and Key Person will be arranged.
  • Ask that parents/carers respect others needs and are patient if necessary when waiting to speak to staff.
  • Ensure that all suggestions, worries or complaints are always received in a positive and open manner.
  • Accommodate parents/carers choices and requests whenever this is feasible and in the child’s best interests.
  • Liaise, listen carefully and record accurately the information parents/carers give them about their child.
  • Operate a Key Person system to enable close working relationships.

Sharing Information with Parents/Carers about their Child

We will share information with parents/carers by:

  • Consulting with parents/carers to find the best way of communicating and involving them with their child’s progress and development to suit their individual needs.
  • Offering a home visit before a child starts at Nursery where the child’s Key Person is available to discuss a child’s individual needs and answer any queries. If a home visit cannot be offered then a virtual meeting between the child’s Key Person and parent/carer will be offered.
  • Arranging settling in sessions before the child starts at the Nursery.
  • Welcoming and encouraging all parents/carers to discuss and share information on their child’s progress and development or issues that have arisen.
  • Compiling Learning Journeys using Tapestry, for each child which contain observations, photographs, artwork etc. together with assessment records of their progress and development.
  • Welcoming and encouraging contributions from parents/carers to their child’s Learning Journey via Tapestry.
  • Completing a two year old check on their child and feeding back to parents/carers on a mutually convenient date and time.
  • Making ongoing assessments to ensure that any child who may be facing challenges and could require additional support is highlighted and discussed with parents/carers.
  • Writing transition reports to help parents/carers and children gain confidence in the transition.
  • During times of restrictions the Nursery will ensure that regular contact is made to the Parent/Carer to support learning and development.

Sharing Information about the Nursery

The Nursery strives to keep parents/carers informed of all Nursery events and activities by:

  • Providing an informative Prospectus and Welcome Pack.
  • Displaying posters and relevant information on the notice boards located outside the main Nursery entrance. 
  • Holding parents/carers information evenings to introduce parents/carers to different aspects of early years education and care that relate to the Nursery.
  • Regularly updating the Nursery website and the dedicated Nursery Facebook page to keep parents/carers in touch with Nursery activities and provision.
  • Distributing a biennial Nursery Questionnaire in the summer term which provides a valuable insight from the parent’s perspective on all aspects of the Nursery.

Parents/carers are actively encouraged to join the Management Committee and be a part of the registered body in order to contribute to the successful organisation and operation of the Nursery.

Parents/carers are also invited and encouraged to help on the Fundraising Committee to raise money for the Nursery and to help organise social events.

Privacy and Confidentiality

To maintain privacy and confidentiality the Nursery will:

  • Securely store information relating to children and families and ensure it is kept confidential.
  • Get all staff, trustees, members of the CIO, students and volunteers to sign to abide by the Nursery’s strict Information Sharing and Confidentiality Policy.
  • Request that parents/carers keep the Nursery Manager and/or Office Supervisor informed of any changes to personal information which may have an affect on the Nursery’s ability to care for their child, such as: change of address, telephone numbers, emergency contact details, medication, injuries, allergies, food intolerances etc.
  • Request parents/carers keep their Key Person informed of any changes which may possibly affect their child’s emotional wellbeing such as: family bereavement, parental separation, absent parents, illness in the family etc.
  • In the case of parental/carer estrangements seek to provide both parents/carers with access to their child’s learning journey and assessment record through Tapestry.

Partnership with other Agencies

At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we work in partnership with local and national agencies to promote the well-being of all children. This is achieved in the following ways:

  • Having procedures in place for sharing information about children and families with other agencies. These are set out in the Information Sharing and Confidentiality Policy, Safeguarding Policy and Special Educational Needs Policy.
  • Information shared by other agencies with the Nursery is regarded as third party information. This is kept in confidence and not shared without consent from that agency.
  • When working in partnership with staff from other agencies, we make those individuals welcome in the Nursery and their professional roles are respected.
  • We follow the protocols for working with other agencies such as when dealing with a child protection case.
  • Staff from other agencies do not have unsupervised access to the child they are visiting or observing at the Nursery and do not have unsupervised access to any other children during their visit or observation.
  • Our staff do not casually share information or seek informal advice about any named chid/family.
  • When necessary we consult with local and national agencies who offer a wealth of advice and information. This helps us develop an understanding of issues facing us and who can provide support and information for parents/carers. For example; Health Protection Agency (HPA), Pre School Learning Alliance (PLA), Norfolk County Council Early Years Team, Early Childhood and Family Service – Fakenham (ECFS).

Policy Statement

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is committed to providing quality provision based on equality of opportunity for all children and their families. All staff are committed to doing all they can to enable ‘looked after’ children in their care to achieve and reach their full potential.


Definition of ‘Looked After Children’ (LAC). Children and young people become ‘looked after’ if they have either been taken into care by the local authority, or have been accommodated by the local authority (a voluntary care arrangement). Most LAC will be living in foster homes, but a smaller number may be in a children’s home, living with a relative or even placed back home with their natural parent(s).

Our Response

  1. We recognise that children who are being looked after have often experienced traumatic situations and abuse. However, we also recognise that not all looked after children have experienced abuse and that there are a range of reasons for children to be taken in to the care of the local authority. Whatever the reason, a child’s separation from their home and family signifies a disruption in their lives that has an impact on their emotional well-being. Most local authorities do not place children under five with foster carers who work outside the home; however there are instances when this does occur or where a child has been placed with another family member who works. Ladybird Pre-School Nursery does not offer provision to children who are under two years of age.
  1. At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we place emphasis on promoting children’s right to be strong, resilient and listened to. Our policy and practice guidelines for looked after children are based on these two important concepts: attachment and resilience. The basis of this is to promote secure attachments in children’s lives as the basis for resilience. These aspects of well-being underpin the child’s responsiveness to learning and are the basis in developing positive dispositions for learning. For young children to get the most out of educational opportunities they need to be settled enough with their carer to be able to cope with further separation, a new environment and new expectations made upon them.
  1. Principals:
    • The term ‘looked after child’ denotes a child’s current legal status; this term is never used to categorise a child as standing out from others. We do not refer to such a child using acronyms such as LAC.
    • We do not offer placements for babies and children under two years old.
    • We offer places for funded two year old children who are in care. In such cases, the child where possible will have been with the foster carer for at least two months and show signs of having formed a secure attachment to the carer.  We expect  the placement in the Nursery will last a minimum of three months where possible.
  1. We offer places for funded three and four year old aged children who are in care to ensure they receive their entitlement to early education. For these older children where possible the child will have been with a foster carer for a minimum of one month and will have formed a secure attachment to the carer. We expect that the placement in the Nursery will last a minimum of six weeks where possible.
  2. Before any looked after child starts at the Nursery we expect a Personal Educational Plan (PEP) to be in place.
  3. Where a child who normally attends our Nursery is taken into care and is cared for by a local foster carer we will continue to offer a placement for the child.


  • The designated person for looked after children is Jo Bircham (as the designated safeguarding /child protection Lead Practitioner) or, in her absence, Kate Daniels or Yvonne May.
  • Every child is allocated a key person before they start and this is no different for a looked after child. Jo Bircham ensures the key person has the information, support and training necessary to meet the looked after child’s needs.
  • Jo Bircham and the key person liaise with agencies, professionals and practitioners involved with the child, along with his or her family, to ensure appropriate information is gained and shared.
  • The Nursery recognises the role of the local authority social care department as the child’s ‘corporate parent’ and the key agency in determining what takes place with the child. Nothing changes, especially with regard to the birth parent’s or foster carer’s role in relation to the Nursery, without prior discussion and agreement with the child’s social worker.
  • At the start of the placement there is a professionals meeting that will determine the objectives of the placement.
  • Within the first few weeks of the placement a meeting will be set up by the child’s key person with the social worker and foster carer(s) to ensure the following procedures are adhered to:
    • how information will be shared with the foster carer and local authority (as the ‘corporate parent’) as well as what information is shared with whom and how it will be recorded and stored;
    • what contact the child has with his/her birth parent(s) and what arrangements will be in place for supervised contact.
    • what written reporting is required;
    • wherever possible, and where the plan is for the child’s return home, the birth parent(s) should be involved in planning; and
    • with the social worker’s agreement, and if part of the plan, the birth parent(s) should be involved in the Nursery’s activities that include parents/carers, such as outings, fun-days etc. alongside the foster carer.
  • The settling-in process for the child is agreed. It should be the same as for any other child, with the foster carer taking the place of the parent, unless otherwise agreed. It is even more important that the ‘proximity’ stage is followed until it is visible that the child has formed a relationship with his or her key person sufficient to act as a ‘secure base’ to allow the gradual separation from the foster carer. This process may take longer in some cases, so time needs to be allowed for it to take place without causing further distress or anxiety to the child. If COVID restrictions are in place at the time of settling in, it will be decided between the social worker, foster carers and the Nursery Manager if it would be in the child’s best interest to postpone starting Nursery until a more sensitive transition can be supported.  The Nursery Manager will work closely with other professionals while this decision is being made.  
  • In the first fortnight after settling-in, the child’s well-being is the focus of observation, their sociability and their ability to manage their feelings with or without support.
  • Further observations about communication, interests and abilities will be noted to form a picture of the whole child in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • Concerns about the child will be noted in the child’s file and discussed with the foster carer.
  • If the concerns are about the foster carer’s treatment of the child, or if abuse is suspected, these are recorded in the child’s file and reported to the child’s social care worker according to our safeguarding children procedure.
  • Regular contact should be maintained with the social worker through planned meetings that will include the foster carer.
  • Transition to school will be handled sensitively and Jo Bircham and the child’s key person will liaise with the school, passing on relevant information and documentation with the agreement of the looked after child’s birth parents. (As detailed in our transition policy)


A key person role is to help ensure that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help the child become familiar with the setting, offer a settled relationship for the child and build a relationship with their parents/carers. (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021)

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is committed to assigning a named key person to every child who attends the Nursery. The key person will help the child become familiar with the Nursery and feel confident and safe within it, developing a genuine bond with the child (and the child’s parents/carers) and offering a settled, close relationship.

The key person will meet the needs of each child in their care and respond sensitively to their feelings, ideas and behaviour, talking to parents/carers to make sure the child is being cared for appropriately for each family.

Before a child starts at Nursery they are allocated a key person. Written information about the key person system and photographs of the key person is sent to the family in the welcome pack.

Parents/carers will be informed if their child’s key person changes and the reason for this change.

Key Person Responsibilities

Relationships with key children

  • The key person provides a secure attachment for their key children in Nursery.
  • The key person and the manager or another practitioner attend a home visit and familiarise themselves with the child and their parents/carers. No member of staff will attend a home visit alone. When restrictions do not allow for home visits to take place then a virtual meet will be offered.
  • The key person, or in their absence a designated practitioner, will be responsible for the induction of the family and the child into the Nursery, help them settle in and become familiar with the Nursery.
  • The key person meets the needs of their key children responding sensitively to their feelings, ideas and behaviour.
  • The key person provides a ‘secure base’ for the children by being there to support them, allowing them to explore at their own pace and also supports and enables independence.
  • They are primarily responsible for their key children’s care routines such as nappy changing and toileting.

Relationships with parents/carers

  • Key persons should develop a good relationship with parents/carers, ensuring that the child is cared for appropriately at Nursery and accommodating their individual needs within the daily routine.
  • The key person needs to develop a two way flow of information between themselves and the parents/carers to help them become aware of any significant aspects of family life that may be important to the child.
  • The key person has responsibility for regularly updating their key children’s Learning Journey (Tapestry) and share this with other professionals as required. In cases of children with additional needs, or identified children in need, they will be required to share information with the Nursery SENDCo and may be called upon in attending reviews and meetings.
  • The key person acts as the key contact for the parents/carers and, with prior permission, will make links with other carers involved with the child, such as a childminder, and co-ordinates the sharing of appropriate information about the child’s development with those carers.


  • The key person is responsible for observational records of their key children, using these to inform next steps, individualised planning, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if appropriate and completing development profiles for each of their key children.
  • The key person is also responsible for feeding information about the child’s next steps for development into the nurseries planning.
  • The key person is responsible for developmental records and keeping these records up-to-date, reflecting the full picture of the child in Nursery.
  • Where a child is supported by another member of staff who is not their key person, such as Special Educational Needs co-ordinator, record keeping then becomes a joint responsibility.


We aim to make children, parents/carers and staff aware of health and safety issues in order to minimise the hazards and risks and to enable the children to thrive in a healthy and safe environment.

The safety of young children is of paramount importance. In order to ensure the safety of both children and staff members, the Nursery will ensure that:

  • The member of staff responsible for health, safety and hygiene is the Nursery Manager. She has undertaken health and safety training and regularly updates her knowledge and understanding.
  • Forms are available at each session for the reporting of any accident/incident.
  • Regular safety monitoring will include monthly checking of the accident and incident forms..
  • Children are made aware of health and safety issues through discussions, planned activities and routines.


  • We do not have animals or birds in the Nursery as pets.
  • Animals and birds visiting the Nursery are free from disease, safe to be with children and do not pose a health risk.
  • If animals or birds are brought in by visitors to show the children they are the responsibility of the owner. The owner carries out a risk assessment, detailing how the animal or bird is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed.

 Food Hygiene – (see also Food Hygiene Policy)

Cooking Activities

When children take part in cooking activities, they:

  • Are supervised at all times.
  • Are kept away from hot surfaces.
  • Do not have unsupervised access to electrical equipment.

Hygiene Arrangements – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic policy)

Staff help children with their personal hygiene. Good practices in preventing the spread of infection are observed. Hands are washed after using the toilet and children are helped in blowing their noses. The children are encouraged towards independence. When children make their own snack, the importance of cleanliness is emphasised.

Toilet Routine – (see also Nappy Changing Policy)

  • Children are taken to the toilet by a member of staff if they ask during the session.
  • All children are helped to wash their hands after they have used the toilet. This is to teach the child good hygiene practice.
  • If a child should have a toileting accident or need a nappy change, a member of staff will change the child wearing gloves and an apron. The wet clothes are placed in a bag and the nappies disposed of appropriately.  All changes are recorded in our daily care log and parents are informed about this change at collection time.
  • The changing area is thoroughly cleaned after each change.
  • The temperature of hot water is controlled to prevent scalds.


The children are supervised by staff at all times. Safety is of paramount importance. Safety checks of the premises both indoors and outdoors are made before each session. The internal door is locked during the session and a member of staff is at the door during the children’s arrival and departure at Nursery. We operate a password system if anyone unknown to the Nursery staff is collecting a child. The parents/carers decide on this password and record it on their child’s registration form.

  • All children are supervised by staff members at all times and will always be within sight of a staff member.
  • Children do not have unsupervised access to kitchen, cookers or any cupboards storing hazardous materials
  • Only staff members and volunteers who have an enhanced DBS disclosure have unsupervised access to children.
  • Whenever children are on the premises at least two staff members are present.


  • A register is completed on children’s arrival and is updated throughout the session, recording late arrivals and early leavers. A staff register is also kept. Visitors to the Nursery are required to sign in the visitor’s book and record their time of arrival and departure. When guidelines require, Ladybird Pre-School Nursery has a QR code for visitors to scan.
  •  All staff members are aware of the system in operation for children’s arrivals and departures and a staff member will be at the door during these periods.
  • A register of both staff members and children is completed as people arrive so that a complete record of all those present is available in any emergency.

Illness – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic Policy and Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents Policy)

When a child becomes ill at the Nursery our policy is:

  • To send the child home to ensure the child has his/her needs met in the most appropriate setting and to protect other children and staff members from the risk of infection.
  •  A member of staff will make sure the child is as comfortable as possible in a quiet area, away from the other children.
  • The person in charge or Office Supervisor will telephone the parents/carers first and if there is no answer the other emergency contact numbers will be tried. If there is still no answer, the child will be cared for by a member of staff until the end of the session.
  • Parents/carers will be advised to seek the advice of a medical practitioner. When the staff are concerned about a child’s condition deteriorating, emergency medical advice will be sought.
  • Parents/carers will be informed by a written health warning notice displayed on the entrance doors if there is any outbreak of infection such as scabies, worms, hand, foot and mouth or childhood infectious diseases which may affect other children or family.
  • The Health Protection Agency guidance on infection control exclusion periods will be followed.
  • Ofsted and HSE will be notified of any infectious diseases which are listed on the ‘notifiable’ list. 

Medication – (see also Administering Medicines Policy)

Parents/carers will administer prescribed medicines where possible. The person in charge or the child’s key worker is responsible for administering medication at the Nursery. Prior consent must be completed and signed by the parents/carers and records must be kept to show name of medication, dosage, time the medication was last administered, time due to be administrated and person. Another member of staff should witness the procedure. All medication will be clearly labelled and its original packaging with the dispensary label attached and stored out of reach of the children on the high shelf in the kitchen or in the fridge if necessary.

First Aid (see also First Aid Policy)

Under the Health and Safety Regulations 1981 all workplaces must have first aid provisions. The Nursery Manager has a responsibility under these regulations for:

  • Providing a first aid box for employees.
  • Ensuring that each session has a qualified first aider to take charge in the events of an accident.
  • Ensuring all employees know where the Fire box is kept and the first aid boxes are located (wall mounted in the Pre-School Room and in the 2 Year old Room) and names of first aider/appointed person.
  • Arranging first aid training for all Nursery Practitioners.
  • Ensuring that first aid gloves, which are kept in the first aid box, are worn when dealing with open wounds, vomit etc.

All staff undertake paediatric first aid training.  A member of staff is appointed yearly to be responsible for checking the contents of the First Aid box (this is currently Yvonne May and in her absence Jo Bircham).  First aid equipment is kept clean, checked for expiry dates and replaced as necessary. All staff know where the accident forms are kept and how to complete them. These are reviewed monthly to identify any potential or actual hazards. Parents/carers are informed of any incidents and there are opportunities for parents/carers to discuss heath issues with the staff.

  • Frequent accidents involving the same child/ren or the same piece of equipment can also be a useful indication of the need to observe certain activities, check equipment etc.
  • In the event that an insurance claim might be made following an injury to a child or staff member, it would be advisable to draw a rough sketch of the place of the accident/incident.

It is essential to inform parents/carers of any injury to their child no matter how slight.

  • Correctly stocked first aid boxes are available at all times.

Emergency Procedures

In the case of a medical emergency involving anyone on the premises the following procedure would be put into place:

  • The most confident first aider present would take over the incident/injured party.
  • On rapidly assessing the situation it may be necessary to phone 999 for a paramedic/ambulance.
  • In addition a member of staff will phone the next of kin/parent/carer of the injured party.
  • If necessary a suitably qualified member of staff will accompany the injured party to hospital.
  • A full report will be written by the Nursery Manager or in her absence the Deputy Manager and made available to any person involved along with the next of kin/parent/carer and regulatory body such as Ofsted, RIDDOR.



A risk assessment of the potential hazards at the Nursery has been undertaken and is reviewed regularly. New pieces of equipment and activities are also ‘risk assessed’ and all our equipment is checked before it is used and regularly updated.

  • Equipment offered to children is developmentally appropriate, recognising that materials suitable for older children may pose a risk to younger/less mature children in the Nursery.
  • Large equipment is erected with care and checked regularly.
  • Activities such as cooking and energetic play receive close and constant supervision.
  • All equipment is regularly checked for cleanliness and safety. Any dangerous items are repaired or discarded.
  • The premises are checked at the beginning and end of the day.
  • Doors are fitted with finger guards to prevent children’s fingers from being trapped in them. Regular checks are made to ensure they have not split or are not damaged in any way.
  • Equipment is checked regularly and any dangerous items repaired or discarded.
  • The layout, space and ratios allow children and staff members to move safely and freely between activities.

Daily Risk Assessment

A list has been drawn up and printed for each day/week, showing areas that must be checked for risks and good provision.  It is the responsibility each day of the Nursery Manager or in her absence the Deputy Manager to check these areas, sign the sheet and report on anything amiss.

Insurance Cover

The Nursery has public liability insurance and employer’s liability insurance. The certificate is displayed on the notice board in the office.

Electrical Equipment

  • Electrical equipment is to be visually checked and if damaged should not be used. Any damaged equipment should be labelled ‘defective –do not use’ and the Nursery Manager and/or Nursery Management Committee Health and Safety representative informed in order that effective repairs can be carried out.
  • Storage heaters are checked daily to make sure they are not covered.
  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is carried out on a biannual basis.

Disposal of Waste – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic Policy)

Normal everyday waste is disposed into the general or recycling bin which is then put out for the refuse collection. In the case of body fluids such as blood products, faeces, etc. the waste is put into the disposal unit using rubber gloves ready for correct disposal.

  • Waste products are disposed of appropriately.


Cleaning – (see also Epidemic/Pandemic Policy)

General cleaning of the areas used by the Nursery is carried out firstly by the Nursery staff on a day to day basis and secondly by a local cleaning contractor every evening. Members of staff carry out deep cleaning and the cleaning of toys and equipment as necessary. The hard flooring is washed and deep cleaned by the cleaning contractor daily. When recommend the internal of the nursery building is ‘Fogged’ every 4 weeks.

Good Housekeeping

  • Notices are posted identifying prohibited practices such as No Smoking, Fire Exit etc. All resources and materials which children select are stored safely. All equipment and resources are stored or stacked safely to prevent them accidentally falling or collapsing. Our outdoor sandpit is covered when not in use.
  • There is no smoking allowed on the premises. It is also requested that people refrain from vaping on the premises. Ladybird Pre-School Nursery operates a strict no smoking policy within both the Nursery building and its outdoor areas.
  • All dangerous materials are stored out of reach of children.

Fire Procedure (see also Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy)

Fire drills are held every 1/2 term, on different days, and a record is kept of them. Heaters and electric points are adequately guarded. Fire extinguishers are checked monthly. Emergency lighting and smoke detectors are checked every six months by a competent contractor. Fire doors are never obstructed.

Members of staff are aware of the position of the firefighting equipment, familiar with their use and know the location of the fire exits and escape routes.

  • A daily rota of staff’s roles and responsibilities in the case of an emergency evacuation  is completed each morning reflecting the staff working that day (am/pm).  Staff are made aware of their roles and responsibilities by the person who has completed the rota for that day and always before the nursery opens at 9am.
  • The alarm will sound.
  • The children will be directed to the nearest fire exit.
  • All belongings will be left behind.
  • Toilets and corridors will be checked by a member of staff. 
  • Everyone will leave the building and meet at the designated assembly point. Staff will ensure that the children are kept together at all times.
  • A register will be taken.
  • In the case of a real emergency, the Nursery is designated to assemble in the play park  adjacent to the Nursery or the Lighthouse Church, Cromer Road, Sheringham where parents/carers will be informed to collect their children.
  • The building will not be re-entered until permission is given to do so.

Using the Outside Areas

In using the outside space at the Nursery we take into account the following procedures:

  • Ongoing: It is the responsibility of the Nursery Management Committee to keep paths, fences and gates in good order, bearing in mind the requirements for use by young children.  It is the responsibility of the Nursery Manager to report any issues regarding the paths, fences and gates to the Nursery Management Committee.
  • Children are given the opportunity to play outside in the fresh air.

Before daily use: The following items should be checked for safety and suitability of use:-

  • Gates and fences.
  • The grassed and planted areas (especially for animal remains and vermin).
  • The paths and steps.
  • The doors and gates.

Just before going out: All the gates and doors should be checked to make sure they are secure with the latches in place to prevent any child opening them.


Policy for Using the Garden – (see also Missing/Lost Child Policy)

  • At least one staff member should be outside before the children leave the building.
  • Child/staff member ratios are maintained during outside play.
  • Child/staff member ratios are also maintained inside when children are using both inside and out.
  • Children are taken to the toilet inside by a member of staff.
  • All visitors report to the Nursery office. 

Leaving the outside area:  A staff member will headcount the children as they re-enter the nursery and then make a sweep of the garden to ensure that all children have gone inside prior to the doors being secured.

If a child goes missing on the premises staff will follow the procedure for a ‘Child going missing on the premises’ as detailed in the Missing/Lost Child Policy.

Outings (see also separate Outings Policy)

Safety of Staff members, Students, Volunteers and Other Adults

  • Adults are provided with guidance about safe storage, movement, lifting and erection of large pieces of equipment.
  • When adults need to reach up to store equipment or to change light bulbs they are provided with safe equipment to do so.
  • All warning signs are clear.
  • The sickness of staff and their involvement in accidents is recorded. These records are reviewed termly to identify any issues which need to be addressed.
  • Health and safety advice/training is given to each employee, volunteer and student on induction and updated when appropriate.
  • The personal hygiene of the staff is very high and all staff observe and adhere to the current legislation regarding food hygiene.

 In Conclusion

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and will be updated to incorporate any significant changes and/or introduction of systems of working not currently accounted for. Health and Safety issues can be raised at any time for consultation at future staff or Nursery Management Committee meetings.


At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery, staff members will administer first aid for adults and children with minor injuries or, in the event of serious incidents, whilst awaiting medical assistance.

All staff will be required to be trained in paediatric first aid and to maintain this qualification by attending appropriate and timely ongoing refresher training.

At the time of a child’s admission to the Nursery, parents/carers written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought. Parents/carers sign and date a consent form at registration giving permission for their child to receive emergency medical treatment and for their child to be taken to hospital should a qualified medical practitioner deem this necessary.

An accident or incident form will be completed where any first aid is administered and the

parents/carers will be asked to read and counter sign this note on collecting their child. A copy of this form will be given to the parent/carer.

First Aid Boxes

A designated staff member will be responsible for checking the first aid boxes. This is currently Yvonne May. In her absence the Nursery Manager.  

First aid boxes are easily accessible to adults and are kept out of the reach of children.

They are checked fortnightly to ensure all contents are present, in date and packaging is undamaged.

The first aid boxes contain the following items:

  • First Aid booklet
  • 3 pairs of disposable gloves
  • 20 assorted waterproof plasters
  • 2 Sterile eye pads
  • 4 Triangular bandages
  • 6 HSE medium dressing 12x12cm
  • 2 HSE large dressing 18x18cm
  • 6 Safety pins
  • 6 Individually wrapped antiseptic wipes
  • 1 Re-breath resuscitation device
  • 1 Microporous tape 1.25cmx10cm
  • 1 Sterile finger dressing 3.5×3.5cm
  • First aid scissors
  • Eye wash
  • Tweezers
  • Foil blankets (adult and child)
  • Forehead thermometer
  • Instant cold pack
  • 1 Disposable apron

Policy Statement

At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we believe that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour.

Children need to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights of others and the impact that their behaviour has on people, places and objects. This is a developmental task that requires support, encouragement and teaching. The principles that underpin how we achieve positive and considerate behaviour exist within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for promoting personal, social and emotional development and support British values.


Yvonne May is the Nursery’s named Behaviour Coordinator and has overall responsibility for issues concerning behaviour.

She is required to:

  • keep herself up to date with current legislation, research and thinking on promoting positive behaviour and on handling children’s behaviour where it may require additional support such as  Behaviour and Self Regulation training and Emotional Regulation and Behaviour support training.
  • access relevant sources of expertise on promoting positive behaviour within the EYFS for supporting personal, social and emotional development; and
  • check that all staff have relevant in-service training on promoting positive behaviour.

The Nursery recognises that codes for interacting with other people vary between cultures and require staff to be aware of and respect those used by them. We require all staff members, volunteers and students to provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents/carers and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy. We model good behaviour in the environment by taking care of wildlife, plants, etc.

We familiarise new staff, volunteers and students with the Nursery’s behaviour policy and its guidelines for behaviour through our induction process. We expect all members of our Nursery – children, parents/carers, staff, volunteers and students – to keep to the guidelines, requiring these to be applied consistently.

We work in partnership with children’s parents/carers. They are regularly informed about their children’s behaviour by their key person or Yvonne May. We work with parents/carers to address recurring challenging behaviour, using our observations records to help us understand the cause and to decide jointly how to respond appropriately. With parent’s/carer’s consent a behaviour plan will be implemented if it is felt necessary.

Strategies with Children who Engage in Challenging Behaviour

  1. We require all staff, volunteers and students to use positive strategies for handling any challenging behaviour, by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for their ages and stages of development. For example, a solution may include: acknowledgement of feelings, explanation as to what was not acceptable and supporting children to gain control of their feelings so they can learn a more appropriate response.
  2. We ensure that there are enough resources and sufficient activities available so that children are meaningfully occupied without the need for unnecessary conflict over sharing and waiting for turns.
  3. We acknowledge considerate behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share by using praise.
  4. We support each child in developing positive self-esteem, confidence and feelings of competence.
  5. We support each child in a sense of belonging in our Nursery, so they feel valued and welcome.
  6. We avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for challenging behaviour.
  7. When children behave in challenging ways, we help them to understand the outcomes of their actions and support them in learning how to cope more appropriately.
  8. We recognise and understand that children need support in regulating their emotions. Therefore we will offer a quiet space to allow the child some individual thinking time to enable them, with adult support, to regulate their emotions and return to the activities.
  9. We never use physical punishment such as smacking or shaking. Children are never threatened with these either.
  10. We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children.
  11. We use physical restraint, such as holding, only to prevent physical injury to children or adults and/or serious damage to property, following recommendations advised through training.
  12. Details of an incident (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the Nursery Manager and Yvonne May and are recorded on an incident form and then added to the incident/accident file. The incident report is shared with the parents/carers and signed by them. They are also given a copy.
  13. In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse, we make clear immediately the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitude by means of explanations rather than personal blame and these are also discussed with the child’s parents/carers.
  14. We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening way to respond to a child’s inconsiderate behaviour.

Children Under Three Years Old

  1. When children under three years old behave in challenging ways we recognise that strategies for supporting them will need to be developmentally appropriate and differ from those for older children.
  2. We recognise that very young children are unable to regulate their own emotions, such as fear, anger or distress, and require sensitive adults to help them do this.
  3. Common challenging or hurtful behaviours from young children include tantrums, biting or fighting. Staff are calm and patient, offering comfort to these intense emotions, helping children to manage their feelings and talk about them to help resolve issues, promote understanding and keeping others and themselves safe at Nursery.
  4. If tantrums, biting or fighting are frequent, through discussion with the parents/carers we explore the possibilities of an underlying cause, such as a change or upheaval at home, or frequent change of carers. Sometimes a child may not have settled into the Nursery and their behaviour may be the result of ‘separation anxiety’. The child will be closely observed to try and find out the triggers in Nursery and how we can support and try to overcome this anxiety.
  5. We focus on ensuring the child’s key person is building a strong relationship with the child to provide them with security.

Rough and Tumble Play

Rough and tumble play and fantasy aggression

Young children often engage in play that has aggressive themes- such as superhero and weapon play. Some children appear pre-occupied with these themes, but their behaviour is not necessarily a precursor to hurtful behaviour or bullying, although it may be challenging at times and may need addressing using strategies as above.

  1. We recognise that teasing and rough and tumble play are normal for young children and acceptable within limits. We regard these kinds of play as pro-social and not as problematic or aggressive.
  2. We develop strategies to contain play and agree these with the children, and understand them, with acceptable behavioural boundaries to ensure children are not hurt.
  3. We recognise that fantasy play also contains many violently dramatic strategies, blowing up, shooting, etc. and that themes often refer to ‘goodies and baddies’ and as such offer concepts for us to explore concepts of right and wrong.
  4. We are able to tune in to the content of the play, perhaps to suggest alternative strategies for heroes and heroines, making the most of ‘teachable moments’ to encourage empathy and lateral thinking to explore alternative scenarios and strategies for conflict resolution.

Strategies for Older Children

Hurtful behaviour

We take hurtful behaviour very seriously. Most children under the age of five will at some stage hurt or say something hurtful to another child, especially if their emotions are high at the time, but it is not helpful to label this behaviour as ‘bullying’. For children under five, hurtful behaviour is momentary, spontaneous and often without the understanding of the feelings of the person whom they have hurt.

  1. We recognise that young children behave in hurtful ways towards others because they have not yet developed the means to manage intense feelings that sometimes overwhelm them.
  2. We will help them manage these feelings as they have neither the biological means nor the cognitive means to do this for themselves.
  3. We will offer support, calming the child who is angry as well as the one who has been hurt by their behaviour.
  4. Our way of responding to pre-verbal children is to calm them through holding and cuddling, as advised through training and only if appropriate. Verbal children will also respond to cuddling to calm them down, but we offer them an explanation and discuss the incident with them on their level of understanding as we would also to a pre-verbal child too.
  5. We recognise that children require help in understanding the range of feelings they experience. We help children recognise their feelings by naming them and helping children to express them. We will make it clear that feelings are understandable and acceptable, including feeling angry, but that not all behaviours are.
  6. We help children learn to empathise with others, understanding that they have feelings too and that their actions impact on others’ feelings.
  7. We are aware that the same problem may happen over and over before such skills such as sharing and turn-taking develop. Children will require repeated experiences with problem solving, supported by patient adults and clear boundaries.
  8. As a group we support social skills through modelling behaviour, through activities, drama, stories and circle time. We build self-esteem and confidence in children, recognising their emotional needs through close and committed relationships with them.
  9. We help a child understand the effect that their hurtful behaviour has had on another child. We do not force children to say sorry, but encourage this where it is clear they are genuinely sorry and wish to show this to the person they have hurt. For older children this may be a kind gesture or a picture, etc.
  10. When hurtful behaviour becomes problematic, we work with parents/carers to identify the cause and find a solution together. The main reasons for children to engage in excessive, hurtful behaviour are that:
  • they do not feel securely attached to someone who can interpret and meet their needs – this may be in the home and it may also be in the
  • Nursery;their parent/carer does not have the skills in responding appropriately, and consequently negative patterns are developing where hurtful behaviour is the only response the child has to express feelings of anger;
  • the child may have insufficient language, or mastery of English, to express himself or herself and may feel frustrated;
  • the child is exposed to levels of aggressive behaviour at home and may be at risk emotionally, or may be experiencing child abuse; or
  • the child has a developmental condition that affects how they behave.