No Smoking Policy

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery has developed this policy to protect all children, employees, parents/carers and visitors from exposure to second-hand smoke and to assist compliance with the Health Act 2006.

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery operates a strict no smoking policy within both the Nursery building and its outdoor areas.

Appropriate ‘no smoking’ signs will be clearly displayed at the entrance to and within the Nursery premises.

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery also requests that employees, students, volunteers, parents/carers, visitors and contractors refrain from vaping or using e-cigarettes both within the Nursery building and its outdoor areas. 

This policy applies to all employees, students, volunteers, parents/carers, visitors and contractors.

Staff accompanying children outside the Nursery are not permitted to smoke. We also request that parents/carers accompanying children on Nursery outings refrain from smoking whilst caring for the children.

Staff must not smoke whilst wearing Nursery uniform as it is essential that they are a positive role model to children and promote a healthy lifestyle.

New members of staff, students and volunteers will be made aware of the no smoking policy on their induction.   If a member of staff does not comply with this no smoking policy disciplinary procedures will be followed. Those who do not comply with the smoke free law may also be liable to a fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecution.

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