Ladybird Pre-School Nursery aims to make its setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the community and is committed to providing a fair and open admission and registration system.
The Nursery provides care and education for young children from the ages of two years and up to five years (school starting age).
The Nursery facility is widely advertised and marketed throughout Sheringham and the outlying villages in places accessible to all sections of the community. If requested, we will provide translated written information where the language needs of families suggest this is required.
When a parent/carer makes an initial enquiry about a place for their child at the Nursery they will be asked for the following details which will be recorded in the Nursery enquiry file:
- the parent/carer’s name, full address, contact telephone number and email address;.
- their child/children’s name and date of birth;
- the sessions they are requesting and intended start day; and.
- where they heard about the Nursery.
An ‘All About Ladybird’ information pack and waiting list registration form will be sent by e-mail or a hard copy will be posted or given to them. They will be informed whether, at that moment in time, there is currently a suitable place available for their child/children.
If requested, a visit to the Nursery will be arranged on a suitably convenient date and time for both the family and the Nursery. This will be recorded in the Nursery diary. A virtual visit will be offered when epidemic/pandemic restrictions do not allow visitors into the Nursery.
Waiting List
To ensure that admissions to the Nursery are offered on a fair and transparent basis, the following procedure will apply to the management of waiting lists:
- If, on making an enquiry about a place for their child/children, a parent/carer is informed that there is not currently a suitable one available, then the Nursery’s waiting list procedure will be explained and then activated on the parent/carer’s behalf.
- The Nursery will advise the parent/carer of how long they are likely to have to wait before a suitable place becomes available. This information will only be an estimate and will not constitute a binding guarantee from the Nursery.
- When a vacancy at the Nursery becomes available, the parent/carer (whose child is suitable for the place) will be contacted. They will be asked to confirm whether they want to take up the place or not.
- If the parent/carer concerned no longer wishes to take up the place, the parent/carer of the next suitable child on the waiting list will be contacted.
As part of the registration process, parents/carers will be required to provide documentation to evidence their child’s date of birth. This is to confirm they have reached the eligible age for the funded entitlement.
To secure the admission a £25 registration fee is required. Once the admission is secure, the parent/carer will be contacted to arrange a convenient date and time for a home visit. The home visit will be carried out in accordance with the Nursery’s Home Visit Policy. They will then be sent a welcome pack containing a letter detailing their home visit and settling in visit dates/times, ‘All About Ladybird’ information booklet, Nursery registration form, terms and conditions, key person information sheet, ‘All About Me’ booklet to complete with their child, term date information, EYFS information and the Norfolk County Council privacy notice. A virtual meeting will be offered when epidemic/pandemic restrictions do not allow visitors into the Nursery.
We have a phased in entry start for all children starting at Nursery as we recognise all children as individuals. In order to meet their individual needs the phased entry allows both the Nursery and the parents/carers of the child the opportunity to ensure we can meet the needs of every child before they start Nursery.
Early Education is offered within the national parameter. We will work with parents to ensure that, as far as possible, the hours/sessions that can be taken as free provision are convenient for parents’ working hours. Our Admission Policy is available to view on our website and in our Reception area. A hard copy can also be requested.
Early Education is offered to families during term time and in line with the local register (to the maximum available). Funding hours can be claimed during the following times:
Mon – 9.00am – 12 noon and 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Tues – 9.00am – 12 noon and 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Wed – 9.00am – 12 noon and 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Thur – 9.00am – 12 noon and 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Fri – 9.00pm – 12 noon and 1.00pm – 4.00pm
In addition to this and at an additional charge we offer;
Monday to Friday during term time:
Breakfast Club 8.00am – 9.00am
Lunch Club 12noon – 1.00pm
Late pick up 4.00pm – 5.00pm
We aim to identify all children that may attract any additional funding such as EYPP, DAF, SEND Inclusion Fund and any locally available funding streams with a view to submitting a claim/application to support and improve their outcomes.
SEND Inclusion Please refer to the SEND/Inclusion Policy concerning the SEND support on offer to children and how we support families to choose the right setting for their child with SEND.