Charging Policy


To inform prospective and current parents/carers and service users about charges that may be made.



Currently the hourly fee rate for a child attending Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is £7.50 per hour for a two year old and £6.00 per hour for three and four year olds. Fees will be charged for all sessions booked and agreed with the Nursery. Fees will be charged for sessions even when a child is absent through sickness or holidays and will be made for sessions when the Nursery is unable to open short term (no more than a calendar month) due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g. extreme weather, flooding etc.) This is because the overheads of the Nursery such as staffing still have to be covered. Should the Nursery be forced to close for an extended period of time due to circumstances beyond our control (more than a calendar month) then the management committee will use their discretion regarding fee payment during this period of closure.

Registration Fee/Deposit

We charge a £25.00 Registration Fee for any child wanting to register for a place at the Nursery. This charge is voluntary for children only accessing funded hours.

A deposit is not charged.

Funded Early Learning and Childcare

The Nursery is listed with Norfolk County Council as an approved provider for funded two, three and four year olds.

Government funding is intended to cover the cost to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week of funded, high quality, flexible childcare only. It is not intended to cover the cost of meals, consumables, additional hours or additional services.

The funded entitlements will be delivered consistently so that all children accessing any of the funded entitlements will receive the same quality and access to provision, regardless of whether they opt to pay for optional hours, services, meals or consumables.

Each eligible two, three or four year old child is entitled to a funded early learning and childcare place for up to 15 hours per week.

In offering these funded early learning and childcare places the Nursery is committed to:

  • Not requiring parents/carers to pay any fees for this funded entitlement.
  • Not charging top up fees. Parents/carers will not be charged a top up fee to recover income where the Nursery’s hourly rate is greater than the rate received from Norfolk County Council.
  • Not imposing conditions on parents/carers wishing to take up the funded entitlement.
  • Agreeing to meet the conditions of the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities – June 2018 (updated February 2019) and the Early Years Entitlements: Operational Guidance For Local Authorities and Providers – June 2018.

Two Year Old Funding

This funding is presently aimed at those most economically disadvantaged families. Therefore, this funding is not available to all two year old children.

We offer 15 hours of two year old funding to those families who meet the criteria set by the Government from 9am – 12noon and 1pm – 4pm term time only and in line with local arrangements.

A child born in the periodWill become eligible for a funded place
1st April to 31st August1st September following child’s 2nd birthday (Autumn school term)
1st September to 31st December1st January following child’s 2nd birthday (Spring school term)
1st January to 31st March1st April following child’s 2nd birthday (Summer school term)

Three and Four Year Old Funding

The Nursery supports the entitlement to funded 15 and 30 hours early years provision for three and four year olds.

Universal funded 15 hours provision is available from the term following a child’s third birthday up until they reach compulsory school age, for every child, irrespective of background or family circumstances.

We offer 15 hours Universal funding from 9am – 12noon and 1pm – 4pm during term time and in line with local arrangements.

Regulations prescribe that children become eligible for funded early year’s provision on the dates set out below:

A child born in the periodWill become eligible for a funded place
1st April to 31st August1st September following child’s 3rd birthday (Autumn school term)
1st September to 31st December1st January following child’s 3rd birthday (Spring school term)
1st January to 31st March1st April following child’s 3rd birthday (Summer school term)

We offer the 30 hours funding, to those families who meet the criteria set by the Government, from 9am – 12 noon and 1pm – 4pm during term time and in line with local arrangements.

Additional Options

In addition to this we offer a Breakfast Club from 8am – 9am and a Lunch Club from 12 noon – 1pm.  We also offer an ‘Early Drop Off’ and ‘Late Pick Up’ option.  Additional charges apply. These additional options are available for all two, three and four year olds attending the Nursery.

 Two year oldThree and Four year old
Breakfast Club 8am – 9am Breakfast included£8.50£7.00
Early drop off 8.30am – 9am Breakfast not included£4.25£3.00
Lunch club 12pm – 1pm Lunch not included£7.50£6.00
Late Pick up 4pm – 5pm (booked in advance)£7.50£6.00


Parent/carers of funded children will be charged a voluntary consumables fee for each session their child attends.  A session being 9am – 12noon or 1pm – 4pm term time only.  We currently charge a £1.50 per session fee.  There is the option to provide their child with his/her own snack and consumable items. 


Charges for additional services such as trips will be agreed in advance with families.

It may be possible to waive or reduce these costs, please discuss this with Jo Bircham, Nursery Manager.

Review of Fees

Fee charges will be reviewed in April and at other times should circumstances make this necessary. A half term’s notice will be given of any increase in fees.


Parents/carers will receive a written invoice detailing the services they are being charged over and above the funded weekly entitlement. This will be issued a month in advance.

Late Payment Fee

If payment has not been received within 14 days of the payment due date a reminder will be sent and a 10% late payment fee for the whole invoice will be incurred.  Your child’s place may be put on hold until payment is received.

If parents/carers are experiencing financial difficulties:

We can signpost parents/carers towards agencies who could offer support i.e. with benefit difficulties, debt management and financial advice.

Organisations who can offer free financial advice:

National Debt Line

0808 808 400

Citizens Advice Bureau

Working Tax Credit

Helpline: 0845 300 3900

If a parent/carer is experiencing financial difficulties and are struggling to settle their childcare fees, they should contact the nursery manager as soon as possible.  A payment plan could be discussed as could reducing their child’s sessions as required.  We will take all reasonable steps to try to support parents/carers.

Failure to pay childcare fees

If a parent/carer fails to pay their childcare fees and we cannot contact them verbally to discuss the matter, a letter will be sent requesting payment within two weeks or for contact to be made in order to discuss the matter urgently.

Failure to contact Ladybird Pre School Nursery would result in further action being taken.

Ladybird Pre School Nursery reserves the right to withdraw your child’s place and proceedings will begin to enable the collection of debt.  Ladybird Pre School Nursery reserves the right to appoint a debt collection agency or to pursue the debt through a small claims court.  Any legal fees incurred by Ladybird Pre School Nursery during this process could also be added to the total outstanding.

Terms and Conditions

A statement of terms and conditions relating to the contract between the parent/carer and the Nursery will be issued to the parent/carer before their child starts Nursery. The parent/carer will sign and date this document to confirm they have read and accept the terms and conditions.

Support for Childcare Costs Parents/carers may be able to access a range of tax benefits and grants to support childcare costs. Parents/carers can enquire at the Nursery office for further details.