Ladybird Pre- School Nursery intend to use this policy to provide precautionary measures to minimise the risk of disease transmission in the setting during an epidemic or pandemic.
The aim of this policy is to assist with continual operation of the Nursery whilst complying with and fulfilling the Government and leading bodies requirements with relation to the outbreak of an epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19. This policy builds on our current policies and procedures for areas such as Safeguarding, Child Protection and Health and Safety, however new practices may emerge as the situation continues. Considerations may evolve and be built upon as the situation deepens and new precautionary measures and requirements have been introduced. We will continue to follow all our other policies as long as they do not conflict with this policy.
We will continue to be guided by the EYFS Statutory Framework and the legal requirements it contains. Latest Government guidelines will influence and possibly amend this policy. A record of any changes or amendments will be recorded at the back of this policy.
Focus and Areas of Consideration
- Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period may attend the Nursery.
- Children’s temperature will be taken on arrival at the Nursery by a member of staff and before being allowed to enter. The temperature will be recorded. A child with a temperature over 37.8 will not be permitted to attend Nursery and will be required to isolate and be tested using a PCR COVID test.
- Any child who has been administered paracetamol on the day of attendance will not be permitted to attend the nursery on that day, as paracetamol can mask a high temperature. An alternative session will be offered if possible and at the Manager’s discretion.
- Children will be required to sanitise their hands before entering the Nursery.
Social distancing and ‘Bubbles’
When smaller groups (Bubbles) of children in the setting are advised or preferable, this can be achieved by, but not limited to:
- A temporary cap on the number of children attending the setting.
- Making alterations to children’s days or sessions.
- Prioritising children as outlined in Department of Education guidelines.
- Making alterations to the Nursery opening days and hours.
- To minimise contact, children will be arranged into small groups (maximum of 10 children) known as ‘Bubbles’
- Children will only mix with the other children within their ‘Bubble’ while they are at Nursery.
- Children will have the same staff caring for them each day in their ‘Bubble’.
- The use of communal internal and external space will be restricted as much as possible.
- Children will eat their snack and lunch with the other children and staff in their ‘Bubble’.
Wellbeing and Education
- Staff will support children in an age appropriate way to understand the steps they can take to help to keep themselves safe, including regular handwashing and using a tissue and discarding of it appropriately.
- Staff to ensure they are aware of the children’s attachments and their need for emotional support at this time.
- EYFS framework learning and development requirements will continue to be delivered across all 7 areas of learning.
- Staff will continue to provide an inviting environment for the children encouraging curiosity, excitement and engagement, taking into consideration the latest Government guidelines.
Attendance and Testing
- Only staff who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period, may attend the Nursery.
- Staff will be requested to test themselves at home twice a week using a COVID Lateral Flow Test. Results are to be recorded with the Nursery Manager and through the Government ‘Report a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test result’ website.
- Only staff who test negative will be permitted to attend the Nursery.
- Staff will be required to have their temperature taken on arrival and before being allowed to enter the Nursery.
- Staff will be required to sanitise their hands before entering the Nursery.
Social distancing ‘Bubbles’
When smaller group sizes (Bubbles) are advised or preferable this can be achieved by, but not limited to:
- Staff must adhere to social distancing when taking breaks.
- To minimise contact staff will be arranged into small groups known as ‘Bubbles’.
- Staff will only mix with the other staff within their ‘Bubble’.
- The use of communal internal and external space will be restricted as much as possible.
- Staff will adhere to social distancing rules when speaking to all staff members from a different ‘Bubble’.
- When social distancing is not possible or they are in close proximity inside or outside of the building, staff will wear a face mask.
- Staff will wear a face mask/covering and a visor at drop off and collection.
- Staff will be supported by the Nursery Manager and their colleagues throughout the day.
- Staff will be made aware of how to contact the Trustees for additional support.
- Conversations will be held regularly between the manager and staff to discuss staff’s wellbeing and if appropriate a wellbeing questionnaire will be available for staff to complete.
- Only parents/carers who are symptom free, or have completed the required isolation period, can drop off/pick up their child from the nursery.
- On arrival all parents/carers will be asked if themselves or any member of their household have symptoms, if they answer ‘yes’ they will not be allowed to leave their child or enter the Nursery.
- Drop off and collection will be limited to 1 adult per family at all times. Where possible this should be the same adult each day.
Social Distancing
- When parents/carers are waiting to drop off/pick up their child they must adhere to social distancing rules.
- Parents/carers will be required to wear a face mask/covering at drop off and collection. Disposable medical face masks will be provided by the Nursery to any parent/carer who doesn’t have one.
- Parents/carers will be required to follow a one way system to enter and exit the Nursery grounds.
- Parents/carers will not be allowed to enter the Nursery building at drop off/pick up.
- Consideration will be given to allow parents/carers to enter the Nursery for the purpose of settling their child, should their child arrive upset or distressed.
- Parents/carers are to adhere to social distancing rules both inside and outside of the building.
- Parents/carers will receive regular and clear communication regarding new requirements and rules implemented by the Nursery prior to their child attending, along with measures being taken to ensure all risks have been minimalised for the safety of themselves and their children.
- Parents/carers will receive clear guidance on the alternative and recommended ways to communicate with the staff.
- During the Nursery opening hour’s attendance to the Nursery should be restricted to only staff and children as far as practically possible.
- Visitors will not be permitted to enter the Nursery during the Nursery opening hours unless in exceptional circumstances or to provide a vital service.
- All visitors (except in exceptional circumstances or to provide a vital service) will be required to make an appointment outside of the Nursery opening hours.
- Any visitor permitted entry to the Nursery will be required to wear a face mask (face masks can be provided by the Nursery) and will be accompanied by a member of staff at all times.
- Any visitor permitted entry to the Nursery will be required to scan the nursery QR code for track and trace or give permission for their contact details to be recorded by a member of staff in the Nursery visitor’s book.
- Wherever possible staff should avoid travelling to work by public transport.
- If a staff member uses public transport they should follow the national guidelines when doing so.
- Wherever possible parents/carers and children should avoid travelling to the Nursery by public transport.
- If parents/carers and children use public transport they should follow the national guidelines when doing so.
Hygiene, Health and Safety and PPE
- Staff will complete a daily risk assessment before opening the Nursery to identify potential risks from the virus and to ensure measures are in place and implemented to minimise these risks
- The Nursery will follow government guidelines in the case of a child or staff member testing positive for the virus.
Handwashing/Hand Sanitiser
- Anybody entering the Nursery will be required to use hand sanitiser provided by the Nursery.
- All staff members will be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and warm water after using the toilet, changing a nappy, before and after handling food, before and after eating, blowing their nose, sneezing, coughing, administering first aid and before they leave the Nursery. Regular hand washing in addition to this as required.
- All children will be required to, with adult support, wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and warm water after using the toilet, before and after eating, blowing their nose, sneezing, coughing and before they leave the Nursery. Regular hand washing in addition as required.
- An enhanced cleaning schedule will be implemented that will include furniture, resources and equipment, touch points, toilets and hand washing facilities This enhanced cleaning schedule will take place periodically throughout the day and will follow Public Health England guidelines.
- Fogging of the building internally will be carried out by an approved contractor every 4 weeks.
- Thorough and correct cleaning of resources and the setting, following Public Health England guidelines, will take place at the end of each day. Staff will be responsible for the cleaning of their own area of work.
- Thorough and correct cleaning of resources and the setting, following Public Health England guidelines, will take place after a suspected positive case.
Waste Disposal
- All waste from a suspected positive case must be disposed of and stored following Public Health England guidelines.
- Staff will wear regular PPE when providing intimate care i.e. nappy changing.
- Staff will wear regular PPE when administrating first aid.
- When dealing with an individual displaying symptoms, staff will be required to wear full PPE (disposable gloves, a disposable apron, a fluid-resistant face mask and a face visor).
- After dealing with an individual displaying symptoms the staff member will continue to wear PPE and clean and disinfect the area following Public Health guidance.
- PPE will be removed and disposed of following Public Health guidance.
- Staff will wear a face mask when in close proximity to all parents/carers or when guidelines advise to, staff members from another ‘bubble’.
- Staff will wear a face mask and visor at drop off and collection times.
- Resources that are difficult to clean will be removed.
- Resources will be cleaned regularly following Public Health England guidelines
- Resources that have been deemed by Public Health England to enhance the spread of the virus will removed.
Supplies and Equipment
- To ensure the Nursery has an adequate supply of essential equipment a monitoring system will be implemented.
- The Nursery will not be able to operate without essential supplies required for ensuring infection control.
- If the Nursery has to temporary close during a lockdown period, where possible Health and Safety checks should be carried out weekly. These checks should include a visual check of both inside and outside of the building, temperature check of the building and measures to reduce the risk of legionnaires.
- Prior to re-opening a full Health and Safety check will be conducted.
Risk Assessment
- A full risk assessment will be conducted prior to opening the Nursery during an epidemic or pandemic. This risk assessment will be reviewed regularly.
Guidance documents and legislation which have guided and influenced this policy.
Public Health England
Local Authority
Department for Education
EYFS Statutory Framework