Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents (including procedure for reporting to HSE, RIDDOR)


At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we follow the guidelines of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) for the reporting of accidents and incidents. Child protection matters or behavioural incidents between children are NOT regarded as incidents and there are separate procedures for this.


Our Accident and Incident Book:

  • is kept safely and accessibly;
  • is accessible to all staff and volunteers, who all know how to complete it; and
  • is reviewed monthly to identify any potential or actual hazards.

Reporting and Recording of Accidents and Incidents

The following accidents or incidents will be reported to Ofsted:

  • the death of an adult or child
  • anything that requires resuscitation
  • admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
  • a broken bone or fracture
  • dislocation of any major joint, such as the shoulder, knee, hip or elbow
  • any loss of consciousness
  • severe breathing difficulties, including asphyxia
  • anything leading to hypothermia or heat-induced illness
  • if a child suffers any loss of sight, whether it is temporary or permanent.
  • penetrating injury to the child’s eye
  • chemical or hot metal burn to the child’s eye
  • If a child in our care suffers any injury from, or requires medical treatment for, any of the following        situations from absorption of any substance:
    • by inhalation
    • by ingestion
    • through the skin
  • from an electric shock or electrical burn
  • where there is reason to believe it resulted from exposure to:
    • a harmful substance
    • a biological agent
    • a toxin
    • an infected material

We meet the legal requirements for the safety of our employees by complying with RIDDOR. Serious injuries have to be, by law reported to the HSE under ‘RIDDOR’.  These reports have to be made to the National Incident Contact Centre in Caerphilly – immediately in the case of fatality or serious injury, within 10 days for less severe incidents.

The following accidents or incidents will be reported to HSE:

  • Fatalities
  • Major injuries, such as limb fractures (but not fingers or toes), loss of eyesight, dislocation.
  • Anything requiring hospitalisation for more than 24 hours
  • More serious electrical injuries/incidents
  • Any accident where the person was injured and could not subsequently return to work or do their normal job for more than 7 days
  • Certain specified diseases/infections, including hepatitis, tetanus, occupational dermatitis.

Incident Contact Centre 0845 300 9923 or

Our Accident and Incident Book

We keep an Accident and Incident Book for recording accidents and incidents including those that are reportable to Ofsted and the Health and Safety Executive. We also record:

  • Break in, burglary, theft of personal or the settings property.
  • An intruder gaining unauthorised access to the premises.
  • Fire, flood, gas leak or electrical failure.
  • Attack on a member of staff, child or parent/carer on the premises or nearby.
  • Any racist incident involving staff or family members on the Nursery’s premises.
  • A terrorist attack or a threat of one.
  • In the Accident and Incident Book we record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done about it or if it was reported to the police and, if so, a crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, is also recorded.
  • In the unlikely event of a terrorist attack, we follow the advice of the emergency services with regard to evacuation, medical aid and contacting children’s families. Our standard Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy will be followed.  The incident is recorded when the threat is averted.
  • In the unlikely event of a child dying on the premises, the emergency services are called and the advice of these services are followed.
  • The Accident and Incident Book is not for recording issues of concern involving a child. Issues of concern are recorded following our Safeguarding Policy.

Minor Incidents

Minor incidents, such as biting, are recorded in the Accident and Incident Book, which is reviewed monthly to monitor any recurring incidents. Measures are taken to reduce them. If a child comes into the Nursery with a noted injury we record this on an ‘Injury on Entry Form’, the nursery manager is notified of the injury and the form is kept on file.

If an Accident Form is completed due to a minor injury caused by another child’s actions, then an Incident Form is also completed for the child who caused harm. 

Both Accident and Incident Forms require a parent/carer signature and will be shared with the parent/carer at collection time.

Depending on the severity of the injury/incident the nursery manager may make the decision to contact the parent/carer by telephone to inform them of the accident/incident before collection time.

One copy of the signed accident/incident Form is to be sent home with the parent/carer and one signed copy is be kept on file

Legal Framework

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021)

Further Guidance RIDDOR Guidance and Reporting Form: