Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery fully recognises its moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. It will endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued.

This policy, which is reviewed by the manager and approved by Nursery Trustees annually, applies to all staff, trustees, committee members, students and volunteers working in the Nursery.

This policy has been written in accordance with the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) guidance and the Early Years Foundation Stage (2024) requirements.

What is Abuse and Neglect?

Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger for example, via the internet. They may be abused by an adult or adults, or another child or children. ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’

Please see Appendix One – Types of abuse

The aims of the policy are:

  1. To establish an environment in which the children feel safe, protected from harm, be cared for and can learn and develop to their full potential.
  2. To ensure all those working or volunteering at the Nursery have a clear understanding of the legal responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.
  3. To ensure we practice safer recruitment and offer appropriate training and support for all workers.
  4. To ensure parents/carers have a clear understanding of the legal responsibilities relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children.

The ethos of Ladybird Pre-School Nursery

The Nursery has the philosophy:

  • Where the children’s welfare is central to their wellbeing and development. Therefore, we endeavour to provide a safe, caring environment where children feel comfortable and confident.
  • Where adults are well trained and knowledgeable about safeguarding issues.
  • Of maintaining a culture where adults are encouraged to share concerns and are confident to follow child protection referral and whistle-blowing procedures.
  • Of forming positive relationships with all parents/carers by offering settling in visits, allocating a key person to each child and family and involving them with their child’s development through the learning journeys, inviting them to various information sessions and social events. Establishing these relationships is viewed as an important part of our practice.
  • Of ensuring everyone who works within the Nursery, whether paid or unpaid, undertake their roles in a professional manner enabling the children to reach their full potential and to have optimum life chances.

Confidentiality and sharing information

Everyone working within the Nursery understands that Safeguarding issues warrant a high level of confidentiality. Any concerns regarding safeguarding are kept confidential and are only shared with those that need to know.  To acknowledge they understand and abide by this confidentiality requirement they are required to read and sign the master copy of this safeguarding policy before they start in post and thereafter annually after the annual review of the policy.  

Safeguarding information will be stored and handled in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 principles. Record of concern forms and other written documentation are stored securely in a locked facility and any electronic information is password protected and only made available to relevant individuals. 


All staff, students and volunteers will be informed of the Nursery’s safeguarding policy, practice and arrangements through the induction procedure. This induction is carried out by the Nursery Manager before they start in post. During the induction they have the opportunity to ask questions and are shown where the relevant forms and safeguarding file are kept. A refresher induction will be carried out for any member of staff after a period of prolonged absence.

The Nursery’s registration form has a section on safeguarding which explains our duty of care to keep children safe and protect them from harm. It also informs them of the names of the Safeguarding Lead Practitioners, who are Emma Bailey and Kate Daniels. This information is replicated in the ‘All about Ladybird’ booklet which is issued to families on registration.

Parents/carers have access to the Safeguarding policy and other policies through our website and the policy file which is kept in the Reception area. They can also request a hard copy of the policy at any time.

Displayed on the parents’/carers’ notice board for their information are the ‘duty of care’ poster, the ‘managing allegations’ poster and ‘child protection referrals’ procedure information.

The Nursery is committed to building an open and supportive professional relationship with families beginning at the first contact. This we strive to continue throughout the time the child spends in the Nursery. In order to work in partnership with parents/carers we obtain a fully completed registration form which includes information about who has parental responsibilities for the child. We also ask parents/carers to complete and sign a home injury form when a child arrives at the Nursery with an injury or an incident form when an incident or significant event has taken place away from the setting. This is recorded, signed and dated by the parent/carer and Nursery. This includes a description of what happened.

Roles and Responsibilities

Everyone working with the children and young people at Ladybird Pre-School Nursery has a ‘duty of care’ to keep children safe and protect them from harm. This means that adults have a duty to report any child protection or welfare concerns to Children’s Services/the Police.

Responsibilities of the Registered Person:  Hillary Rayment – Chairperson

Trustee responsible for Safeguarding – Constance Tyce

Policies and procedures – to ensure

  • Policies and procedures meet legislation and guidance, are available, understood and followed, annually reviewed and updated.
  • Safer recruitment procedures are followed and DBS checks carried out and recorded.
  • Procedures for managing allegations/concerns about adults are in place, understood and followed in line with LADO guidance.

Safer working practice – to ensure

  • A Code of Conduct is in place, adhered to, understood and followed for all adults working in the Nursery.
  • A Trustee is identified to take on the responsibility for safeguarding.
  • A senior member of staff is identified to take on role of Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (SLP) and provide time and resources to carry out this role.
  • A Deputy SLP is nominated.
  • Support for the SLP and Deputy SLP to ensure Safeguarding practice is in accordance with policies and procedures.
  • Induction of staff, students, volunteers and regular visitors takes place and regular reminders about the Safeguarding policy and procedures are in place (such as always, an agenda item on staff and committee meetings).
  • Any action resulting from an allegation against a staff member is acted on in a timely manner including following the Nursery’s disciplinary procedure.

 Training- to ensure

  • The identified Trustee attends relevant training.
  • All staff are required and enabled to attend safeguarding training appropriate to their role.
  • In addition, the Nursery Manager and Trustee responsible for Safeguarding will also attend Safer Recruitment training.  Nursery Manager will attend NSCP multi-agency training and prevent training to ensure they are familiar with the local protocol and procedures for responding to concerns about radicalisation. They will cascade this information down to all staff, volunteers and committee members.
  • Training needs are reviewed at supervision and appraisal.

Responsibilities of the Safeguarding Lead Practitioners (SLPs) Emma Bailey and Kate Daniels

Policies and procedures – to ensure

  • Policies and procedures meet legislation and guidance, are available, understood and followed, annually reviewed and updated.
  • Safer recruitment procedures are followed, and DBS checks carried out and recorded.
  • Procedures for managing allegations/concerns about adults are in place, understood and followed in line with LADO guidance.
  • Current contact details for
  • the management of allegations against adults are clearly displayed 
  • making child protection referrals together with basic information about referral process

Safer working practice

  • To adhere to the Nursery code of practice.
  • To model and promote safe working practice and challenge where necessary.
  • To ensure the day to day running of the Nursery is effective, and the safety and wellbeing of children is prioritised.
  • To ensure that Safeguarding practice within the Nursery is in line with all relevant legislation, Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) guidance, and Nursery procedures and policy.
  • To ensure staff, students, volunteers and regular visitors have opportunities to discuss safeguarding policy and practice.
  • To remind them of and keep them updated about the policy and what to do if they are worried a child is being abused.
  • To ensure Safeguarding and Early Help are always included as an agenda item at staff meetings.
  • To enable staff, students and volunteers to raise concerns about poor or unsafe practice and have their concerns addressed in a sensitive, effective and timely way.
  • To ensure sufficient resources are available to enable all staff to undertake their responsibilities.
  • To make sure any action resulting from an allegation against a staff member is acted on in a timely manner including following the Nursery’s disciplinary procedure in conjunction with the named individual from the Nursery committee.
  • To ensure parents/carers understand the Nursery’s responsibilities relating to safeguarding.

Training – to ensure

  • Appropriate safeguarding training is attended.
  • Staff, students and volunteers receive clear information about safeguarding at induction.
  • They receive and are enabled to attend safeguarding training appropriate to their role.
  • Training needs are reviewed at supervision and appraisal.
  • Their own training and knowledge on safeguarding issues is up-to-date including where to source information, in line with NSCP guidance, and they are able to act effectively as a point of reference for others.

Child Protection and Multi-agency working – to ensure

  • Child protection referrals are made by the SLP or deputy SLP in line with NSCP procedures and the Nursery’s policy.
  • They represent the Nursery at multi-agency meetings concerning individual children and complete reports and other relevant paperwork in line with NSCP.
  • Support and guidance are provided to staff, students and volunteers who raise concerns regarding related record keeping and appropriate action is taken in line with NSCP procedures.
  • Informed decisions are made about who will talk to parents/carers, and when this is

appropriate. Staff are supported to maintain respectful relationships with parents/carers.

  • Accurate safeguarding records are maintained and stored appropriately.
  • Appropriate information is provided to support transitions both within the Nursery and beyond.
  • A safeguarding Transfer document is requested when a child joins from another setting.
  • Effective relationships are established with other agencies including health, and liaison is established as appropriate with regard to safeguarding.

Safer working practice

  • To adhere to the Nursery’s code of conduct.
  • To demonstrate high standards of safe working practice.
  • To ensure that Safeguarding practice within the Nursery is in line with all relevant legislation, Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) guidance, and Nursery procedures and policy.
  • To ensure staff, students, volunteers and regular visitors have opportunities to discuss safeguarding policy and practice.
  • To remind of and keep them updated about the policy and what to do if they are worried a child is being abused.
  • To ensure that Safeguarding information is cascaded to staff, and support is available as appropriate through information sharing.

Please see Appendix Eight – NCC PREVENT ‘Quick Guide’ and referral process

Training – to ensure

  • Staff, students and volunteers receive clear information about safeguarding at induction.
  • They receive and are enabled to attend safeguarding training appropriate to their role.
  • Their own training and knowledge on safeguarding issues is up-to-date including where to source information, in line with NSCP guidance, and they are able to act effectively as a point of reference for others.

Child Protection and multi-agency working – to ensure

  • Safeguarding referrals are made by the SLP  in line with NSCP procedures and the Nursery’s policy.
  • They represent the Nursery at multi-agency meetings concerning individual children and complete reports and other relevant paperwork in line with NSCP.
  • Support and guidance are provided to staff, students and volunteers who raise concerns regarding related record keeping and appropriate action is taken in line with NSCB procedures.
  • Informed decisions are made about who will talk to parents/carers, and when this is appropriate. Staff are supported to maintain respectful relationships with parents/carers.
  • Accurate safeguarding records are maintained and stored appropriately.
  • Appropriate information is provided to support transitions both within the Nursery and beyond.
  • A Child Protection Transfer document is requested when a child joins from another setting.
  • Effective relationships are established with other agencies including health, and liaison is established as appropriate with regard to safeguarding.

Training for Staff

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is fully committed for all their employees to undertake appropriate training for their role in line with the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership guidance. They will ensure this training is updated every three years.

The ‘Introduction to Child Protection’ training is mandatory for all Practitioners and will be part of their induction process and probation. All SLP’s will attend ‘Prevent’ training.

The Nursery provides the opportunity for staff to talk about procedures and policy during every staff meeting and management committee meeting and, as such, safeguarding, child protection and early help is always included as an agenda item. Supervisions provide another forum for individual staff members to discuss safeguarding policy and practice.

The Safeguarding Lead Practitioners will share any updates on safeguarding and child protection as notified by the NSCP or through changes to national guidance and/or legislation.


Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is committed to working in partnership with parents/carers and aims to build an open and supportive professional relationship with families.

Parents/carers are made aware of our duty to promote the protection and welfare of children and have an understanding of the responsibilities placed on the Nursery for safeguarding children through the information we provide.

Information about Safeguarding and child protection is included in our: 

  • ‘All about Ladybird’ information book.
  • Parents’/carers policy folder and on our website.
  • Parents’/carers notice board outside the nursery entrance.
  • Ofsted parents’/carer’s poster.
  • Duty of care poster.
  • Allegations against staff process information.
  • On our registration forms.

The Nursery expects parents/carers to share information about any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child which will be recorded on an Injury from Home form.

The Nursery is responsible for making a record and discussing with the parent/carer if a child has an accident, incident or injury whilst in our care. An incident or accident form will be completed and the parent/carer will be asked to sign and date.  A copy of this form will be given to the parent/carer and the original will be filed in the Past Accident form file in the Office.

When a safeguarding concern arises a clear record of what has been observed and what has been said will be completed, signed and passed on to the SLPs Emma Bailey and/or Kate Daniels. This record will be stored in a locked facility in the Nursery office and only made available to relevant individuals.

Where possible, concerns will be discussed with the parent/carer for an explanation, providing it does not put the child at immediate risk of harm. When the Nursery wishes to make a referral about a child the family will usually need to be informed and give consent. They will be told a discussion is taking place and how they will be told about the outcome of the referral. The family will NOT be informed if by doing so it is felt a child will be put at risk of harm.

Safer Working Practice

All adults working or who come into contact with the children at Ladybird Pre-School Nursery, whether paid or unpaid, have a ‘duty of care’ to safeguard and promote their welfare. The Prevent Duty (2015) and the EYFS (2024), both place a duty on nurseries to safeguard and promote the well-being of children. This includes the need to ensure that all adults who work with or on behalf of children are competent, confident and safe to do so.

The ‘duty of care’ is, in part, exercised through the development of respectful, caring and professional relationships between staff and children and behaviour that demonstrates integrity, maturity and good judgement. There are legitimate expectations about the nature of professional involvement in the lives of children. When individuals accept a role that involves working with children and young people, they need to understand and acknowledge the responsibilities and trust inherent in that role.  

Therefore, Ladybird Pre-School Nursery has in place a staff code of conduct which all workers read and sign to adhere to these conditions. Any staff known to be breaking these conditions will be given a formal warning and disciplinary action will follow. Breaking these conditions is a dismissible offence.   

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery recognises that E-safety is part of safeguarding. E-safety is about ensuring children are not harmed, placed at risk or bullied through use of the internet, emails, blogs, and social networking sites, or by mobile phones and electronic devices and games.  The Nursery has an e-safety policy in place which includes information about the use of photography and videos, social media sites and mobile phones and smart watches within the premises. 

Please see Appendix Seven – Staff Code of Conduct Policy.

Allegations Against Adults

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is committed to ensuring all adults involved in the Nursery are committed to safeguarding children.

There may be times when adults are concerned about the behaviour of their colleagues. Therefore the Nursery ensures it has a culture in which everyone feels safe about sharing concerns, knows that they will be taken seriously and treated sensitively and confidentially. It has a clear policy on whistle-blowing which explains they have a duty to share concerns about staff members.

Where there is an allegation against an adult in the Nursery the following process is instigated:

  1. The allegation/concern is reported to the Nursery Manager or the most senior person on duty in the Nursery.
    1. If the allegation/concern is against the Manager then the allegation/concern must be reported to the Chairperson Hillary Rayment.
    1. The identified person listens to and records concerns and discussion.
    1. If there are concerns about a child’s immediate safety the Police will be contacted on 999 if immediate action is needed, or Children’s Services on 0344 800 8021 or out of hours 0344 800 8020.
    1. The allegation/concern is reported to the LADO team on 01603 223473 and Ofsted are informed. All discussions are recorded including the name of person spoken to.
    1. Consultation/referral takes place with the LADO and all subsequent advice and guidance regarding process is followed.

Please see Appendix Three – Managing allegations and concerns about adults who work with children in an early years or childcare group setting (flow chart)

Safer Recruitment

Ladybird Pre-School Nursery is committed to safer recruitment processes and adopts a consistent and thorough process of safer recruitment to ensure those recruited are suitable to work with children.

Please see Appendix Four – Safer Recruitment Policy.

Other Relevant Policies and Documents

Safeguarding children is much broader than child protection.  Please see below for a list of other available policies that come under the umbrella of safeguarding for your reference:

  • Administration of Medicines.
  • Admissions and Registration.
  • Behaviour Management.
  • Complaints.
  • Equal Opportunities.
  • E-Safety
  • Failure to Collect a Child.
  • Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation
  • Health and Safety.
  • Information Sharing and Confidentiality.
  • Intimate Care.
  • Key Person.
  • Lost Child.
  • Observation, Assessment and Planning.
  • Partnership.
  • Recording and Reporting of Incidents.
  • Risk Assessments.
  • Safer Recruitment.
  • SEND
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Transitions.
  • Whistle-blowing
  • Induction of Staff, Volunteers and Students
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Epidemic and Pandemic Policy
  • Epidemic and Pandemic Risk Assessment

Key Legislation and Guidance

  • Children Act (1989).
  • Protection of Children Act (1999).
  • The Children Act (2004).
  • Protection of Children Act (2004).
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006).
  • Childcare Act (2006).

Secondary Legislation

  • Sexual Offences Act (2003).
  • Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000).
  • Equality Act (2010).
  • Data Protection Act (1998).
  • Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations (2009).
  • Children and Families Act (2014).
  • Care Act (2014).
  • Serious Crime Act (2015).
  • Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (2015).


Further Guidance

  • Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023).
  • What to do if you’re Worried a Child is Being Abused (HMG, 2015).
  • Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (DoH 2000).
  • Early Help Assessment (EHA) replacing The Common Assessment Framework for Children and Young People: A Guide for Practitioners (CWDC 2010).
  • Statutory guidance on making arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children under section 11 of the Children Act 2004 (HMG 2008).
  • Hidden Harm – Responding to the Needs of Children of Problem Drug Users (ACMD, 2003).
  • Information Sharing: Guidance for Practitioners providing Safeguarding Services (DfE 2015, updated July 2018).
  • Disclosure and Barring Service:
  • Revised Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales (HMG, 2015).
  • NCC Continuum of Needs guidance

Safeguarding Procedures

All adults working in Ladybird Pre-School Nursery should follow the following procedure if they have concerns about a child:

  1. Share your concern with Emma Bailey or Kate Daniels – the Safeguarding Lead Practitioners (SLPs).
  2. Make a clear record on what you have observed, heard or been told on a Record form for safeguarding concerns. Blank copies of this form can be found in the pink folder or in the safeguarding file in the Nursery Office.

See Appendix Five – Record form for Safeguarding concerns.

  • Emma Bailey or Kate Daniels will make the decision whether to contact CADS on 0344 800 8021 (0344 800 8020 out of hours) or the police on 999 if immediate action is required.

The CAD Service can be used to:

  1. Discuss and share information about an identified child.  This requires the nursery to inform the family and gain consent.  The parent/carers will not be informed if it is felt by doing so will put the child at risk of harm.
    1. To talk through a situation/concern about a scenario but without sharing any children’s details.  Parent/carer consent is NOT required.

Please see Appendix Six – CADS Referral flow chart.

The process for the SLPs is:

  • Take the name and the contact details of the Social Worker spoken to on the consultation line.
  • If discussing an identified child (WHERE PERMISSION HAS BEEN SOUGHT FROM THE PARENTS/CARERS AS THIS  CANNOT BE DONE WITHOUT PARENT/CARER PERMISSION) have details available such as name, Nursery’s name and contact details, the child’s name, date of birth and address and the concerns for consultation.
  • Every telephone call will be followed up by the consultant social worker. The SLP making the telephone call will also be expected to make a written record of the contact they have made, the discussion that took place and any decisions made. They will also record whether parental consent was obtained and if not, why not.
  • The consultation might result in a formal referral and investigation or advice that supports continued work with the family without a referral. However the consultant social worker and SLP will agree and both record the outcome of any conversation.
  • If the SLP  believe that the response they have received following a conversation with CADS is inadequate,  or doesn’t think the right decision has been made they should follow the ‘NSCB’s Resolving Professional Disagreements Policy’ which can be found at 
  • If following a consultation more information comes to light or the situation changes, the SLP can seek further clarity by consulting again.
  • A written record of the conversation and advice given should be received within 10 working days of the consultation.
  • The SLP must keep a record of the consultation telephone call and its outcome on the child’s safeguarding file together with the written record received.

List of appendices:

Appendix One – Types of Abuse

Appendix Two – Home Visit Policy

Appendix Three – – Managing allegations and concerns about adults who work with children in a group setting (flow chart)

Appendix Four – Safer Recruitment Policy

Appendix Five – Record of form for safeguarding concerns

Appendix Six – CADS Referral Flow Chart

Appendix Seven – Staff Code of Conduct Policy

Appendix Eight – NCC PREVENT ‘Quick Guide’ and referral process

Please note the Safeguarding in early years and childcare file, which contains guidance for early years and childcare settings in Norfolk, can be found on the shelf in the Nursery Office.

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