At Ladybird Pre-School Nursery we understand that we have a statutory duty to ensure continuity for children during periods of transition.
Therefore, we believe that:
- all children and their families require support at points of transition; and
- smooth transitions support children’s personal, social and emotional development, their learning and their future success.
We want all children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the Nursery and to feel comfortable and secure with staff. We also want parents/carers to have confidence in both their children’s well-being and in their role as active partners with the Nursery.
We aim to make the Nursery a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.
- each child is provided with a Key Person before they start the Nursery;
- the Key Person is responsible for helping the child become familiar with our Nursery and to feel confident and safe within it;
- the Key Person develops a genuine bond with the child and family and offers a settled, close relationship; and
- all staff members offer unconditional regard for the child and are non-judgemental.
Transition from Home into Ladybird Pre-School Nursery
We value the parent/carer as the first educator of their child.
- Parents/carers are welcome to come and visit our Nursery in person at an arranged time.
- Along with the ‘offer of a place letter’ an information pack is given to every family which includes ‘All About Ladybird’, Key Person information sheet, registration form, term dates, terms and conditions, privacy notice and an ‘All about me’ booklet for parents/carers to complete with their child.
- The ‘All about me’ booklet along with the registration form and initial meetings assists the Key Person in understanding the child’s needs, likes, dislikes, routines and development level.
- Settling in session dates and times will be arranged.
- At the settling in visits the Key Person welcomes and looks after the child. In the absence of the Key Person this role is allocated to another member of staff.
- If the child displays a stronger attachment to another member of staff then we will transfer him/her to that member of staff where possible, so they can then become their Key Person. Parents/carers will be informed of the change of Key Person.
- The Key Person uses Tapestry to compile a Learning Journey for each child which supports the child’s interests, learning, development and progress through written observations and photographs. Parents/carers are encouraged to contribute and add information to the Learning Journey.
- We use observation, assessment and professional judgement to support each child’s learning and development. All those involved with the child share this information.
- Communication between Nursery and families is promoted through a variety of methods including Tapestry, social media, website, meetings, parents’/carer’s information boards, informal conversations, fund-raising events and outings.
- The Key Person takes responsibility for telling the parent/carer about events in the session that have been important to their child.
Children with Additional Needs
- We collect information at point of entry about any other professionals who are involved with the child and family.
- We seek written parent/carer permission to work with other professionals before entry to ensure the Nursery is ready to meet the child’s individual needs.
- We work with parents/carers as equal partners with, for example, Individual Educational Plans (IEP) and Early Help Assessment Plan (EHAP).
- Professionals who support individual children, such as Speech and Language Therapists, are able to observe the child in the Nursery environment where the child may be more settled and confident.
Transition within the Nursery
- Key Person to identify and have evidence that the child is ready to progress to the next stage within the Nursery.
- Key Person to consult with parents/carers about their child being ready to progress to the next stage within the Nursery.
- The child may be allocated a new Key Person and the parents/carers will be offered the opportunity to meet with their child’s new Key Person.
- If there is a change of Key Person the child’s previous Key Person and new Key Person will meet to share information regarding the child.
- The child’s new Key Person will be available to meet and welcome the child and parent/carer on their first day.
- Transition will not take place during the first week of a new term or half term.
Transition between Nursery and Other Pre-School Settings
- Parents/carers written permission is gained before information about their child’s needs, interests, any written reports or Learning Journey are shared with the new setting.
- When a child joins the Nursery from another Pre School setting we will request that the previous Pre School setting completes and returns a ‘Child Protection Transfer Document’.
See Appendix One – Child Protection Transfer Document
- The Key Person will talk with both the child and the parents/carers about the move to the new pre- school setting.
- The Key Person from the new setting will be invited to visit the child in our Nursery prior to them moving if enough notice is given, it is geographically possible and social restrictions allow.
Transition from Nursery into School
Ladybird Pre-School Nursery aims to maintain good relationships, built on professional respect, with all local feeder schools.
- Throughout the year information from Norfolk County Council and Independent schools is displayed regarding applying for a place in a reception class.
- Parents/carers written permission is gained before information about their child’s needs, interests and written reports are shared with the school.
- Reception teachers and staff from feeder schools are invited to visit the child within our Nursery, if social guidelines permit, during the summer term prior to transition.
- The child’s Key Person will share with the Reception Teacher information about each individual child’s development and any individual needs.
- We complete a copy of the Norfolk County Council Record Supporting Transition and Inclusion Record (STAIR) of Transfer from Nursery to School for each child in the half term prior to school entry. This is shared and completed with the child’s parents/carers and sent to school before the end of the summer term.
- We have close links with Sheringham Primary School and other local schools and we are invited to take part in any pre-starting activities they arrange.
- For children with identified additional needs a ‘transition meeting’ is organised. parents/carers, staff from the reception class and Key Persons are invited, along with any other relevant professionals in order to ensure the child’s needs can be met in school.
Appendix One – Child Protection Transfer Document